Background Check

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After our dinner, I had Taylor do a background check on the so called psychics. I had never seen or heard of psychics that refuse extra money for their readings. Most try to get the most they can get and weren't right about much and what they were right about was obvious. But Mia has me wondering if they might have known who she was and are getting her trust for a bigger score. Kate got on the bandwagon about psychics who were true psychics and the ones who just say they are and aren't.
Okay this is very interesting, we got information on the Lambert family members, but there is a glitch or what might be called a hitch in their get along. All four had at one time worked as psychics, but two stopped about two years prior to arriving in Seattle. The two females worked at conventions all over the country for a long time. Something is askew and I start checking the men further and it was like they disappeared and then reappeared at other jobs. I had Barney check further along with Welch. I then hit pay dirt, but wished I hadn't. The photos reminded me of the time we got surrounded by paparazzi and it was a life or death situation for all of us. Windows were crushed as the crowd pushed forward and finally the police came and disbanded the mob. Five employees quit after a long stay in the hospital and a hundred paparazzi were arrested. They had to cut the cars open to get us out of the cars. Us being in the middle saved us from getting injured further. Two weeks was the least we stayed. Mr Grey had me find cars that stood up to attacks like that and now that is all we drive. Even our private cars. So when I saw the arial view of the crowds surrounding the Lamberts without a car or security protecting them I stopped delving further into their past for their safety and ours.
Taylor placed the background checks before me and the placed an arial view of the Lamberts being completely surrounded by over a thousand people and they weren't in cars. They disappeared after that scene and people were searching for them everywhere. Apparently the son and father were psychic healers and were proven to be real on over a thousand cases. I read everything and it seems that somehow they had escaped death by being helped by a military group who penetrated the area and got them out before they were injured further. He shows me the last article that is a current date, they are being hunted down using news outlets. They want their psychic healers back and they will leave no stone unturned.
I recommend that Mia keeps her friendship with them quiet. They can't afford to be found again.
I suddenly recall the fear all of us had when we were surrounded and it was not as bad as being surrounded without having security or a car surrounding us. I pick up my phone and call Mia.
I see Christian calling and answer the phone because he rarely calls me after we saw each other at dinner. He tells me about what turned up in his background checks on the Lamberts. He told me that I am putting their life in jeopardy if I tell anyone about them or even go to get a reading, it might draw unwanted news people to their locations. He suggest to have a reading at his place or mom and dads house with security helping to achieve that. He sends me the articles and I start crying at recalling that we were waiting for hours to find out about whether he and his staff were alive in all those crumpled cars. I tell him I will make sure to call him and arrange something privately.
Jack Hyde
I get a call from Sherry Smith, she is behind bars for violating a restraining order and will be facing jail time. She is easy prey now. Let's see how I can make her squirm. She is funny when she tells me how she is going to marry Christian Grey and yet he has a restraint order against her and now behind bars because she violated the terms of the document. She actually has a college degree, I think she slept her way to it lol well not slept really a lot of opening her secret garden, well not so secret garden, because I know her sexual history. There is no doubt Christian Grey knew it too, he probably triple bagged it before he entered the dark forest. A lot of scary things exist in there.
Are you going to keep jerking me around or are you bailing me out?
Oh but I love jerking you around darling one. She starts to get up to leave and I provide the guard with the bail papers. I had to bail more than one stupid Bit-  today. Luckily Elena decided to get Sherry out as well, but she wants something from her. I am not telling Sherry that Elena is who put up her bail, so I can score some well you know private moments in my dungeon. No forest this time though. Elena can throw a freebie in for me so I can watch as she gets waxed the hard way. I am one sicko, well to each their own. But Elena is beyond sick having 14 year old boys as sex slaves. All I have to do is make one phone call and she is in here for life. She pays me well to keep her secrets. I shake my head and think definitely a psycho. Virginal boy toys is her favorite.
I need to get out of here and Sherry owes me big time now and she is going to make it up to me and good. We finally get out after Jack playing his stupid mind games with the both of us.

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