My Alibi

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Richard Lincoln
I started a small company near the edge of Seattle. I heard that Elena was being brought in to stand trial finally. My testimony wasn't need3d so I was working at with home with Sarafina and our children in my view at all times. We have security cameras everywhere. It is safer that way. The cabin needed a lot of work and this is where my girls took their last breath. Okay it might sound morbid, but I was there when they took their first breaths and I wanted to live here because they took their last breaths as well. So when the police came to my house about Elena escaping I was shocked to hear about it and demanded we be protected from her. Sarafina went to get her guns and her conceal carry license and told the cops if Elena came near her family they would be coming back to pick up her corpse. She also told them that I would never help Elena after what she has done to me and my daughters along with all those innocent children. The cops left after a good search of the place and the land and told us to remember she is a dangerous person. The next day I had to go to work early and heard on the news that the cops had found Elena shot and killed at the club she had ran and operated with Jack Hyde. Luckily it was when I was at home with Sarafina. They suspect one of her victims or their family. We found out the club was owned by new people and it had been changed into a different kind of club. The police said they couldn't figure out who killed her or who had helped her escape.
Dr Flynn
I wait for the news and smile as I hear that justice has now been done. I could believe my luck in hearing that Elena was being brought into court to stand trial yet again. I made a call and I was assured that things were in place and to watch the news reports. Things did indeed get resolved and justice prevailed against Elena. The next day Jack Hyde was killed in a prison riot. I made my way to the graves of my wife and son. Both committed suicide, he killed himself after what Elena had done to him and his mother took her life after burying our only son. The voice asked if I was satisfied and I said not really but the people who hurt my child and others have met their fate. The Lillie's in my hands were blowing in the wind and a whisper in my ear saying she is in hell with Jack now rest easy now my dear husband. Then I hear my son tell me he misses me and they will be waiting for me and my new family to arrive. They disappeared and the Lillie's stopped blowing in the wind. I laid them down and turned around to find a beautiful woman looking at my wife and sons gravestones. She placed flowers on both of them. It turns out she was a good friend that Donna had met in a group that got together to talk about being family members of the victims of Elena's torture. Her younger sister was a victim that didn't make it after they raided the place. Her sister was hurt that badly. Nancy Linwood lost her only family member and yet here she is visiting my wife and sons grave.
Would you be interested in a good home cooked meal. It is rare I get to cook for anyone and you look like you need a good hot meal. I take him by the arm and lead him to my sisters grave and we walked to my home a block from the graveyard. I told him I moved here just after I buried Samantha, because I wanted to be near her and I can visit her often. We start talking and I invite him to sit at the kitchen counter while I make us a nice meal. We are still talking when I drove him to get his car and told him he is welcome to come and have a meal with me at any times he wants to. Three days later he called and invited me out to dinner.
Dr Flynn
The cops question me as to where I was when Elena was killed. I had patients all day long. And could verify my appointments, just not the patients names. I told them you never know who might have killed her, she had so many victims and families of those victims that might be out there biding their time so they can punish her. I asked how she was killed if she was killed, but then they would only be here if she were killed. My logic won out on that one.
Detective Andrew Howard
I would prefer to keep my lunch down so I won't be going into how we found her. Whoever did it finally blew her brains out after she was tortured mercilessly. DNA prove it is her though.

Elena's last hours, this was well planned out and the timing was perfect. We are left unconscious as they take our only prisoner from us. No cctv footage caught it and no cars or vans came out either. The escape was through underground tunnels until they got to the final tunnel. I was aware of the plans, but I wanted no part of it so they gassed me up as well. Austin Lambert and Robert Lambert just happened to be working as prison transportation specialist. We had no choice but go on this run or be fired. We tried to explain or stance and they said who wasn't a victim of mrs Lincoln, get over it. We had no idea who attacked us. So we couldn't identify anything or anyone.
We found out after being released from the hospital that Elena had been tortured and the her brains were blown out. DNA was the only way they could identify her.

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