The Lamberts Arrive

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Robert Lambert
We were asked to a private residence of the Grey family, the Grey family of Seattle. Anastasia and Carla gave Mia Grey a reading. I accept the invitation and we meet them in a private parking garage and are transferred into a SUV with an odd kind of windows. We are being driven by some serious looking bodyguards. Then I see Jason Taylor and Thomas Sawyer, we were part of a black ops team, but they knew me under the name Raymond Steele, after the incident where I had to call for help we changed our last names and somehow the article had found the Lambert name. I don't know how they did, but they did. I think someone we chose not to heal is behind it. But it has to be a son or daughter behind it. We are driven to what looks like a mansion out by the sound.
Dad do you guys know each other?
Yes, try not to watch your visions please. You too Carls, the less you know the better. Jason and Thomas tell them it is true.
We might see it but we can't prove it. And we don't know where it is and everything we see will be kept quiet.
I can't hear what they are saying but I just nod and Anastasia can't see since her visions are blinding her sight. Finally I can hear and Anastasia can see as we arrive at the garage door and it opens up for us to go inside. They park the car and we are allowed out inky when the garage door us closed.
Earlier in the day
Gretchen Lincoln
Mom has had me place bugs in the Grey home during our spring cleaning appointment. I hate doing this, but mom helped me start my company and got me jobs with a few of the wealthy clients at her salon. I don't think they know I am Elena and Richards kid. So I have been making extra cash to bug homes for whoever pays me the big bucks. I sense a strange vibe coming from the garage area, luckily I am finished and we leave taking all the cleaning supplies with us.
My vision hits as I try to get from the car. Taylor do you scan this home for bugs?
Yes they just did it last week when we knew you were coming why?
Someone just activated a bug in this garage, they have a lot more. Do you know any Lincoln's?
Gretchen is the name I get. She just left the driveway.
Stop the cleaning company that just left. Mrs Grey failed to run the company through us, but I didn't know until we drove by the van that she had hired a cleaning crew to assure everything was perfect for your arrivals. Don't say anything else. Just nod or say nothing until it is safe here. We get busy scanning for bugs everywhere and Sawyer brings in another of Barney's super machines and we find bugs deeper into other things and decide to screw with them a bit. I have Reynolds and his twin sister make noises like someone is having sex by the bugs and just have them record it and okay it in a loop. We find a bugles room and chat a while and Mia is in seventh heaven about things, but the ladies are holding something back. I am thinking it is very private because both turn a bright shade of red. Neither are looking at Christian when it happens, but then Anastasia can't see him and Carla can't hear him. We bag the bugs and start questioning Gretchen Lincoln. She was caught red handed with bugs inside her van. We can't allow her to leave until we get the list of her clients.
She keeps the list on her phone under pest control. I guess it is for bugs lol I tsp my cane and mom asks where the restroom is at for me?
Anastasia wants to look around, but our excuse is the use the bathroom. Her visions s top along with mine so we check the house out and it is nice, but something is off about the place. We can't figure out what it is, but we need to find out soon.
Listen I don't snoop normally but something is off in your home and it needs look into. The bugs aren't the only issue here. Do you keep your alarm system checked? Updated? Mia I suggest you keep security with you at all times, male and female two of both.
I look at Anastasia and she is still having visions.
Someone hates you and blames you for her lot in life. Do you know anyone that wants you out if the way and has treated you horribly recently?
Suddenly a face comes into view and he scares the he— out if me, but it isn't me it is Anastasia and she can't see because her visions but she seems to be blindfolded as well.
I see mom crying and she finally tells us what she has seen. I think how I am going to protect myself.
You will need to go back to practicing your shooting blind again. I can't be there watching you and your mother all the times, so try to get a timeline if you can.
Let's eat dinner and talk about something else for now.
Stay close to me you two understand?
I sense that the timeline is tonight and instruct security to call in back up teams now. We finally find out that the alarms have been disarmed and the fail safe system has not been updated. Anastasia pulls out her gun and says if you have a safe room let's get to it or them now.
Jack Hyde
Gretchen hasn't came out of the Grey estate and she planted the bugs and disarmed the alarm systems along with turning off the fail safe systems.
Stephen Morton
What are we waiting for?An engraved invitation? My crew starts climbing the fences and we head up the driveway. Jack is staying back just in case. Coward is all I think. I am halfway there when I feel something trip me and I fall to the ground. Well look who we have here the voice quietly whispers in my ear. I am gagged and tied up like a turkey by his daughter. I see four more if my crew in the same position.
Robert Lambert
We have three more left including Jack Hyde, but the two who thought of this are still out there hiding. I grab Jack as Austin gets the two in the back. Then we see it, the women are hiding in a car close by but they can't see us at all. We close up the van knowing they can't get free.
I can't see sh— I have to wait until they call, Gretchen  informed me everything was all set up. Sherry is breathing too hard for me. I hear a door open and close but don't see a thing.
I am watching when I feel a hand cover my mouth and see one cover Elena's mouth. I feel my arms being dragged backwards and something binding my wrists and then a blindfold as Elena is being held even tighter than I am. Then we see the police cars approach us as we are unable to move even our feet. They tied our feet to the springs in the seats and our arms are tied down to the back of the seat again springs. I hear the cops laughing at us and checking out just how someone was able to get into the car without us knowing it.
We go hide in the safe room with mom, everyone else goes and talks to the cops about everything. I think we got them all.
All but one and I think he had no idea what his wife has been doing. He will soon.
Elena is sick, I get ill  every time I see her with those young boys.
Three hours later
Richard Lincoln
I answer the front door and cops are standing there with a search warrant for the entire estate and all cars we own, I think my damn wife has been doing illegal things yet again. I let them go through everything they wish to. When they call an ambulance I get worried why do you need an ambulance.
Detective Stuart
Oh we found a fourteen year old boy tied up and he has been seriously beaten. Let us show you where we found him. Shall we?
I follow them to the basement a place I never go into because I don't like dark damp places that might have spiders. They lead me into a room that looks like a torture chamber and there lies an unconscious boy covered by a sheet, his wrists are bleeding and so are his ankles. I am brought out of shock when Detective Stuart asks me if I know the boy.
Detective Stuart
We need you to come to the police department now sir. Follow me. Get everything boxed up including those videos and photos and don't miss anything at all. Call if there is an issue.

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