Wedding Bells Ringing All Over

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I am nervous about marrying Elliott after everything that has happened, but here I am six month pregnant with our sons. He adopted my daughters but they are keeping their fathers last name and just adding Grey to it. They are flower girls and so very cute. The wedding was beautiful and we had a great day. Mia was running after her son Elliott James, finally she gave up and had the Aschers take over while she rested. The lamberts were an odd sort and I had to get used to their abilities.
Dr Flynn got remarried yesterday, she is very kind and really sweet. He has the biggest smile on his face just like Elliott has now, I don't think he smiled like that at Kate ever. Bethany is good for Elliott and he loves those girls. Anastasia must have read my mind because she chuckled and grinned as I laugh back and wave at her. For some reason both her and Carla no longer go deaf or blind when they have visions any more. Christian is rubbing her baby bump and smiling at his sons playing on the swing sets they had put in the play yard they had Elliott design for ultimate safety. Anastasia likes Bethany. Bethany introduced Austin to his new wife of a month Carol Thomas. They were perfect for each other.
I stand by Grace and admire our wonderful family. All our children are thriving and we have grandchildren and more on the way. Life is good. I hope it stays this way. I think now that Elena is gone for good we are relaxing into a normal life. Hopefully no more drama for us. Anastasia is calm and so are her family members. I have started noticing that if she senses bad she tenses up and so does her family, so I prepare myself for the worst and hope for the best.
We sold my home and bought the home next to Christian and Mia's home. Christian has homes for his staff members on his property and security is tight on all of our properties. Mom and dad stayed in their home even though Christian bought the home left in that area and had me build it to his specifications with an elevator and made it for a person that is handicapped. I just went with it. We soon found out why, Barney his IT guy was paralyzed from the waste down during a car wreck. So Christian moved him and his family into that house just after the wreck. It was completed a month earlier and like a certain person knew it was going to be needed and it was. Pregnant women everywhere today. Well not everywhere. We have three family members pregnant at the same time, but delivery dates are different.
Carol looks very happy to be around family and all the children. After they examined Carol they determined she couldn't carry children of her own after all the damage done to her at the club. I haven't told her about dad and I being psychic healers. Dad and I have tried to heal her surreptitiously and we just hope she is healed. But time will tell.
There is no doubt that I know these are the Lamberts that were sought out for their psychic powers and psychic healing powers. I found out by accident after our wedding. Carla is not exactly known for a quiet voice. Her voice carries. That was when she told Robert and Austin to try to heal me. A week later they tried lol.

Babies all around us and we went to talk to the OB and see if there was anything we could do to have our own baby. Dr Gordon took bloodwork and a ursine sample. I was shocked along with Austin that I was pregnant. The did a transvaginal test and found out that I was going to have a baby in seven months and it looked like my scars were healed. They printed off photos to prove we were pregnant. Dr Gordon said he had never seen anything like how my scars had healed completely.
I was ver the moon and made sure everything was perfect for Carol. The men just laughed because they knew soon Carol would yell at me to stop smothering her. And she did.
The morning our son arrived in the world was a bright sunny day. We barely made it to the hospital and Jacob Andrew Lambert was born at four am exactly weighing eight pounds four ounces on April fourth. We are very proud of him. He has a lot of cousins and more arriving soon. Elliott and Bethany got pregnant a month after their sons were born and decided three sets of twins might be enough to give birth to. So they want to look into adopting a child or two. Bethany and Elliott are both getting fixed.
I have been having visions and they are making me cry a lot. But I can't decipher what the visions mean. Mom can't help me with them at all. I walked outside and sat in silence and my mother's spirit came to me. The phone started ringing and it was dad calling me. Mom stopped breathing. I asked the mannies to watch the children and I had my driver drive me to the hospital. I was too late to say goodbye to my mom. She had died the moment I saw her walking toward me waving and walking into the clouds. The funeral was devastating to me. Dad handed me the letter mom had written the day I had my vision. She gave each of us a note saying goodbye. No matter what vision you have you can't stop death is what mom's letter said to me. She told me she knew her time was limited.
It has been a year and we had our last baby named Carla Grace Grey. Talk about reading minds she has inherited all our abilities.
Carla Grace is a blessing and she seemed to have a halo when she came into the world. Our six children are happy and Elliott now has six natural children and four adopted ones. It gets quite wild around our homes at times. Barney moved into another neighborhood because the noise was too much for him and his nerdy children lol. He was able to walk after a year and he married his physical therapist. That was one wild wedding. Robert passed away a year after Carla Grace was born. Mom and dad are still kicking around and visiting all their grand babies. They moved into the house that Barney lived in. Of course they had to have instructions on how to use the devices in it.
We are sitting watching the sunset when our youngest announces that she needs to discuss something with us.
Carla Grace
Mom has told me not to be afraid of my visions and to come talk to her and dad about them if I need to. How do I tell my parents that I don't have much longer with them? I decide not to, but a tear in my mother's eyes tells me she knows and has known I was not supposed to be here on earth with them long. At ten years old I know on April fourth at four am I am leaving to be with my grandparents. I kiss and hug them and tell them how wonderful they are as parents.
April fourth at four am I took my last breath. I join grandma and grandpa and watch as my family cry over my weakened body. The funeral was worse. Mom and dad hold all my siblings and the whole huge family circles them with hugs and tears and a lot of love.
You knew didn't you?
Yes, but she needed us to treat her normally until the very end, that's why she didn't tell us. You aren't mad are you?
No I knew the closer her time was up that we were losing her. After all she had her halo at birth, I think they allowed us to enjoy her and we did.
Two months later
Doors close and windows open. Mom got a frantic call and a baby needed a safe home right away. Anastasia and I just signed up to be foster parents. We just passed the home visits and we're on the list as prospective foster parents. We had no idea what we were walking into.
Grace drags us to the nursery, and tells us the baby in the corner was delivered today and she has a brother being delivered right now. The mother is in life support and not expected to live through the c section.
The mother is homeless and we can't find any information on her at all. No police records or DNA samples. No fingerprints on file. We think she was hiding from someone. Let's go see the girl and the boy should be here soon.
The girl has bright blue eyes and black hair, she weighs three pounds and is attached to tubes and a ventilator. I ask what the babies are named?
We haven't named them yet, because we thought you might like to name them. The boy has arrived and he has tubes and a vent as well. He weighs more than the girl. The nurse said the girl died right after the boy finally started breathing again.
Robert Carrick fr the boy Carla Grace as the girls name.
That's a good idea. Mom then leads us to another room. A tiny child is sleeping peacefully holding a bunny. She has scratches on her and a few bandages and bags of fluid hanging in her arm.
This is Venus D Milo, that's who she says she is and she is six, but looks like a one year old. I do believe she's not six after looking at her teeth. I think she is one year old and the older sister to the babies in the PICU. She can read and write. I don't know yet if it is because she is brilliant or it is out of necessary. Do you think you could handle three at once?
I look at Anastasia and she says she can get help if she needs it. So we agree to take them on. A month later we bring the babies home and Venus is definitely a year old and a genius. I don't think he name is Venus D Milo though. There are no birth certificates for that name and we can't find any for her. It turns out that the mother was only about fifteen years old. We had her buried in the Grey family plot. Venus realized that her mother had died and she stayed quiet for a few hours and started asking if we were going to be her new parents or not?
We tell her for right now we are foster parents and they are looking for her family members she screamed no, he is mean to us he killed mommy by running her over in a car. I pulled her but not quick enough. She saved her siblings but not her mommy.
Three months later the guy was shot and killed and Venus saw him on the news. He was a homeless person and had no ID either. Four months we have went to court and adopted Venus, Robert and Carla Grey. We are thrilled to have all of them Venus is a true leader in every sense of the word. Carrick and Grace are here being entertained by all the grandchildren. Our house is where every one congregates at. Of course they all bring food and drinks when they arrive.

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