A Friend?

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Albus POV:
It feels so great to step off the train and see Hogwarts again. Hogwarts is my home and I missed it. My summer has been a mix of reading new books and looking after my two siblings whilst my mother had some rest. But now I am ready to get back into the world of learning. I am ready to prove to everyone that I am still the best student Hogwarts has ever seen.
With my best friend Elphias at my side, I get into one of the carriages with thestrals waiting patiently for us to settle before launching into the sky. Of course I am one of the only people able to see the creatures. The only people who can see the majestic beasts with leathery skin are those who have witnessed death. I myself saw my father kill three muggles just a few years ago. This meant that two years ago many pure bloods seeked me out as they thought I hated muggles. I proved them wrong. Everyone would hate me if they knew my real secret. That is why I have to focus on my books. Be the perfect student and give no one any reason to suspect a thing.

The great hall looks as spectacular as ever with the thousands of candles suspended in the air. Magic is my favourite thing ever. As the first years take their place at their tables I make sure to smile at every new Gryffindor. I feel a swelling of pride in my chest as a few recognise me and stare in awe. I am only in my third year but am already a bit of a celebrity. Before we begin eating the headmaster stands up to say a few words. Mainly drivel about how nice it is to see our keen faces ready to learn but then he says something that piques my attention.
"And before we can start eating, I have one last announcement. This year Hogwarts is pleased to welcome an exchange student from Germany. His names is Gellert Grindlewald and he will be joining the third years. Now as it will be strange for him we have decided that Albus Dumbledore shall be his friend and guide. Mr Dumbledore could you please come up and we will take you to meet him. The rest of you may now eat."
I am surprised that I was chosen as Elphias is my only friend and I tend to isolate myself from the rest of my year but suppose I can try.

"Now Albus, we have decided that you will be Gellert's friend as he has similar levels of intellectual and magical ability and we believe that it will be good for both of you." the head explains before opening the door into a private room. A tall boy is sitting at a table filled with food. His eyes, one crystal white and one a deep black, are full of curiosity as he looks up at me. He has shoulder length hair the colour of pale gold which is only a shade darker than his skin. He is beautiful.

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