Christmas Day

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Gellert POV:
"Wake up. Wake up!" I feel Albus jumping on me.
"Vhat is it meine leibe?" I grumble.
"Merry Christmas!" He shouts.
I smile and pull him into a kiss.
"Merry Christmas." I mumble rubbing my eyes.
"Can I open the presents now?" Albus says pointing at the pile at the end of the bed.
I nod and Albus rushes over and begins to sort them into two separate piles. Soon we are both sitting on the bed with our presents in front of us.
"Can I open mine first?" Albus asks.
"Of course." I reply not minding that I have to wait. He looks so adorable.
He begins to rip into the first present from his mum. He pulls out a pocket watch that looks slightly tattered but he puts it close to his chest.
"This was my dad's." He explains wiping a tear off his face.
Once he recovers Albus rips into the next present. It is from his siblings. He receives a basic leather bound notebook which Ariana has filled the first few pages with pressed flowers. Although it is not much I can tell it means a lot to him. My aunt got him a maroon silk waistcoat and has put a note in the pocket. I watch curiously as Albus laughs and then looks slightly horrified.
"Well she knows." is all he says.
"Wait she knows?" I ask suddenly realising what that means.
All Albus does to reply is nod. He then picks up his last present. I suddenly feel nervous. I hope he likes it. I notice how he takes extra care tearing the paper. He looks at me in surprise when he eyes the small box. I feel time slow as he opens the box. He chokes up as he stares at the silver ring with small sapphires set round it and the words 'for the gayer good' engraved in the inside of it.
"A ring." He says.
"Yeah. It's not anything major if you don't want it to be but it is a promise of one day. One day I will marry. One day I will promise to spend the rest of my life with you." I say watching him start crying.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too meine leibe." I say leaning into kiss him.
"Oh and yes. Yes for one day." He says once we pull away.
We sit in silence for a minute until Albus speaks again.
"Time for your presents."
"Oh yeah." I say nearly forgetting my pile.
I pick up the first present from my aunt. It is a lavender tie and maroon scarf. The scarf matches the waistcoat she got Albus. I guess she did that on purpose. The other present is clearly from Albus. He looks at me nervously and I give him a smile before opening the package. In it is three separately wrapped items. The first turns out to be a notebook full of love letters from Albus. I wondered why he was scribbling in that notebook all the time for the past month. The second package contains a simple necklace with a pendant of a bee. The bee represents Albus as Dumbledore means bumblebee. I love it. In the third package is a bag of German chocolate along with a bag of Sherbert lemons.
"I love them. Thank so much." I say hugging Albus.
"I would give you the world darling." replies Albus.

Once we are dressed, Albus in his new waistcoat along with smart black trousers and a plain shirt and his ring on his finger and me in my new tie and scarf with a black two piece suit and a shirt; I also let Albus fasten the necklace round my neck, we both go downstairs to see my aunt cooking breakfast.
"Thank you my present." We both say as we see her.
I notice Albus looks slightly uncomfortable around my aunt now that he knows she knows but she immediately goes to reassure him.
"Albus dear I have no problem with you and my nephew being in a relationship. I fully support you both and need you to know that I see you both like sons."
"Thank you Bathilda." He says relaxing.
My aunt has made us a full Christmas breakfast with toasted bread and raspberry jam along with some German pastries. We both immediately begin eating until we hear a knock on the door. Bathilda gets up and brings in the rest of Albus' family.
"Merry Christmas." Albus says getting up hugging his mother then his siblings.
"Thank you for my present Albus." says Ariana. "I'm wearing is see." She twirls round to show everyone the beautiful ribbon necklace with a heart pendant.
Abeforth hangs just outside the group. I notice he does that a lot around Albus.

We all sit round the table eating my aunt's brilliant food. In the centre of the table is a huge goose surrounded by loads of potatoes and vegetables. Me and Albus pile our plates high and we dig in.

Once the day is over me and Albus go upstairs and lay in bed together. I watch as Albus begins to fall asleep and I smile. I am so lucky to have him.

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