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Gellert POV:
"Time to get up meine leibe." I whisper into Albus' ear.
"Ten more minutes?" whines Albus sleepily.
"Absolutely not. You take an hour to get dressed. You'll be late for class and that doesn't set a good example to your students."
"Screw my students." He mutters but begins to get up and puts his glasses on.
Once he is out of bed I wave my wand and the bed makes itself. Albus begins rooting through my wardrobe preparing both our outfits for the day. He decides to wear a plum waistcoat and trousers with a white shirt and gold tie. For me he chooses a heather grey blazer and trouser set with a white shirt and a plum silk scarf. We get dressed and my breath catches as I look at Albus. He looks like he was born to be a teacher.
"So what is your day like?" I ask Albus hoping we might have a free hour we can spend with each other.
"Well first I have third years for two lessons which means we will do boggarts. That should be interesting. Then after lunch I have a lesson with the fourth years. Introduction to unforgivable curses. Then finally the first years. Introduction to defence against the dark arts." He says.
"Oh. I have first years introduction to potions. Then a free hour which I might crash your lesson just to see my leibling and after lunch I have seventh years doing the dangers and theory of love potions." I reply.
"Well I guess I'll see you in a few hours." He says giving me a quick kiss then rushing out.
"Love you." I call down the hall.
"Love you too darling." He replies blowing me a kiss.
I smile to myself. How did I get so lucky?

My first lesson is chaos. The first years are all buzzing with excitement as I talk to them about the art of potions.
"In this lesson you will learn a magic different to any magic you learn about in all your other lessons. With a potion you can make someone ill, create liquid luck, create the illusion of love and even transform into another person. All you need is the perfect balance of ingredients, precision and patience."
I notice at the mention of patience multiple Gryffindors role their eyes. I smile to myself. No wonder Albus is a Gryffindor. He'll be able to handle these kids better than anyone else and probably also get up to a lot of trouble with them too.
"Right for 5 house points can anyone tell me what the effects of the draught of peace are?" I ask two minutes before the lesson ends.
There is a pause before a shy looking Ravenclaw puts her hand up. I nod at her and give her an encouraging smile.
"It relieves anxiety and agitation." she says nervously.
"Absolutely. 5 points for Ravenclaw." I say watching her face light up as she hears she got the answer correct.
"Right. Thank you for being a great first class. I will see you on Wednesday same time as today. Class dismissed." I say and my students begin to pack up their books.
I watch the students file out of the room before making my way to the defence against the dark arts classroom. Before I reach it I hear Albus' patient but authoritive voice as he explains boggarts to the students. As I enter Albus gives me a wave and I take a place in the back of the classroom and become enchanted by my leibling's teaching.

"Now does everyone feel confident with the incantation?" asks Albus scanning the class for any anxious or unsure faces. My heart melts at how much he cares about the students. Satisfied that everyone is okay he magics away the tables and the students create a line in front of a cupboard holding the boggart.
"Now remember that the boggart cannot hurt you and no one should ever judge anyone's fear because everyone is afraid of something." reminds Albus. "Also  I will be around for lunchtimes and time after school if anyone needs to talk about anything that happens in this class. I also have Professor Grindlewald who is crashing this class today and he will be able to take anyone out if it gets too overwhelming."
The students turn to look at me and I give a nod of conformation as well as a smile at the nervous looking children.

Albus gives one more look over the classroom before opening the cupboard. I notice with a feeling of amusement that the Gryffindors have been determined to be right at the front whereas the Ravenclaws have strategically placed themselves further back to observe how it goes with the other students before it is their go.

The first student, a muscular Gryffindor boy, steps forward. The boggart immediately transforms into an elderly woman. I hear a few boys laugh.
"That's his grandma." one says.
"Honestly don't blame him. She gives him a lot of shit for being a Gryffindor. She was a Ravenclaw and thinks Gryffindors are thick." replies enother.
Once the boy has gotten over the shock of seeing his grandma, he points his wand at the boggart and says "riddikulus." It immediately transforms into her repeatedly falling over. It seems quite mean but apparently mocking the elderly is amusing.
"Well done." beams Albus smiling widly.
The next person steps forward and the pattern begins. I see everything from spiders and snakes to a bad report card and lettuce...
Each student manages to defeat their boggart. Albus looks at all his students with pride.

At the end of the lesson as shy Hufflepuff walks up to Albus and taps his arm.
"Um hello. I just want to say that I am glad you are our professor."
Albus looks down and smiles at the boy.
"Thank you." He says as the boy runs off to his next class.
Once the classroom is tidied up I take Albus' hand and we walk to lunch together.

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