First Day

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Albus POV:
Today is my first day as Professor Dumbledore, defence against the dark arts teacher. My boyfriend/kind of fiancé is also teaching at Hogwarts. We left a year ago but we were invited back to fill two empty positions. One of course was mine and the other in the potions teacher. Of course we had job offers from the ministry and other high ranking wizarding organisations but we chose to teach.
"Are you ready?" Gellert asks.
I straighten my tie and put on my half moon glasses which I may or may not be wearing just because I like how they look.
"Yes." I say.
"Look at you Professor Dumbledore." Gellert whispers in my ear and I shiver.
Gellert takes great pleasure in making me shiver despite us having been together for 4 years.
"Not so bad yourself Professor Grindlewald." I breathe letting my eyes roam over his outfit. He is wearing his lavender tie so I decided to wear my lilac silk waistcoat. We like subtly coordinating. Well actually I started it and had to convince Gellert and now he just does it to appease me but I think it is a way to show that our souls are one. We still wear the jewellery we bought each other that first Christmas despite getting funny looks sometimes. Men don't really wear jewellery but we don't care.

We get to the castle and are immediately taken to the teachers' private rooms. Thankfully our rooms are next to each others which means we won't have to creep around the castle to get to each other. With a wave of my wand my belongings fall into place. Thankfully my bed has no curtains. I got in a lot of trouble for setting the ones in my dorm on fire in fourth year. I just really hated them. My bed has basic silk sheets with a crimson velvet throw. The colour is a nod to the fact that I have also been made Head of Gryffindor. My personal books are all on the bookshelf and my wardrobe is full of all my clothes. I might happen to be the most flamboyantly dressed professor but I like being able to express myself and hopefully I can inspire my students to be themselves. As well as my room I have an office which is next to the defence against the dark arts classroom. It has a large desk in the middle which I make sure is fully stocked with quills, ink and parchment as well as sherbert lemons and other sweets. The cupboards are full of various dark objects and textbooks.

We sit at the long staff table as we watch the students file in. I make sure to be attentive when watching the sorting and smile at every new Gryffindor. Finally we are able to eat. Before I can pile my plate high with desserts Gellert puts a slice of beef pie and some vegetables on it. I pout at him. He always gets me to eat the healthy stuff. He gives me a stern look and I put a piece of potato in my mouth.
"Pleased?" I ask.
"Yes meine leibe." smiles Gellert.
This is going to be a fun adventure for the both of us.

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