The First Night

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Albus POV:
We step into the common room and I breathe in the musty smell of heavy velvet curtains and the dying embers of the fire. I lead Gellert to the third years room and we both begin to settle into bed. God I hate these curtains. We whisper good night to each other and he roles over so his face is away from mine. I let out the sigh I have been holding in for the last few hours as I hear his soft regular breathing indicating he is asleep. The problem is that I cannot go to sleep. Not with him on my mind. I know I should be disgusted by my thoughts. Everyone else is.

I turn away so I am no longer staring at the gentle golden glow of his hair and pick up my tattered copy of A History of Magic. I have read it so many times that I have practically memorized it but I cannot have my reputation slipping because of the thoughts in my head. Could I be expelled if anyone knew?

Throughout the night Gellert shifts in his sleep and occasionally mumbles but I cannot understand what he is saying. I find it extremely cute though. As the light begins to fill the room I notice Gellert waking up. He blinks wearily around the room and smiles at me when his beautiful eyes meet mine.
"Did you sleep vell?" he asks, his accent heavy with tiredness.
I consider lying but instead tell him the truth.
"Oh I decided to read all night. I find it difficult to sleep sometimes."
He doesn't look convinced but nods and just tells me to make sure I look after myself.

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