Secret Rooms

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Albus POV:
It has been a month since Gellert joined and we have become extremely close. I decide it is okay to share some of the castle's secrets with him.

One evening just before we prepare to go to bed I pull him aside and tell him that we are about to do something very much against the rules but it should be fun. He looks at me curiously but let's me drag him out into the corridor.
"Right" I tell him. "This castle has some very fun secret rooms which I am going to show you over the next few nights. If we get caught we will be in lots of trouble because we should not even know about these rooms."
"So how do you know about them then?" Gellert asks.
I wink him and just say "Sometimes people owe me favours for helping them out."
Gellert nods and laughs. "Who knew Albus Dumbledore had a bad boy streak."
I blush at his statement not for the first time wishing we could be more than friends.

I decide for the first night we will go to the kitchens. I warn him to be quiet as they are near the Hufflepuff dorms. I tickle the pear in the fruit bowl and the kitchens appear. His face lights up as he sees all the food. I conjour up a blanket which settles on the floor and gesture for Gellert to grab some food and come sit down. He gets some sweet pastries and a mini pumpkin pasty. I choose a raspberry jam tart and a slice of treacle tart. Gellert laughs at my choices. He knows how much of a sweet tooth I have. I also find some butter beer which is Gellert's favourite drink. We sit and eat.
"So why do you know how to get into the kitchen?" He asks.
"I did a third year Hufflepuff's homework last year and she gave me this information in return. I would have settled for a few bits of food but this is better."
Once we finish the food we head back to the dorm.

The next day comes and after our dinner I drag Gellert to the second room I need to show him. The prefects bathroom. I am slightly self conscious about this but it is one of the best rooms in the castle.

Once we enter I throw Gellert a fluffy robe which he catches. I wave at the mermaid and strip down to my underwear. Gellert does the same and I avoid looking. I get into the huge bath which is already warm. Gellert follows me in a submerges. His hair turns darker.
"Wow. Du siehst wunderschön aus. Wie bist du so schön?" says Gellert.
"You know I don't speak German." I say.
He flushes and I do not press him but instead lean over him and push on the yellow button. The bath fills with light yellow foam which smells like my favourite sweets. Sherbet lemon.
"So this is why you always smell of lemon." Gellert muses.
"Do you not like it? I can change it if you want." I ask flushing because he knows what I smell like. Why does he know what I smell like?
We relax and talk about the last month. Then Gellert gets a mischievous look and before I can prepare myself splashes me. I splutter with surprise. I laugh and then retaliate. We continue until our skin is as wrinkly as it can be.

We stand dripping but happy wrapped in towels after we get out.
"So what next?" asks Gellert.
"Well we can wait till tomorrow or we can go there now." I reply.
"What about now?" says Gellert.
I take his hand and we run to a seemingly blank wall. However it transforms into a door.
"The room of requirement." I explain. "It can become any room you want."
"Cool" says Gellert.
We get into the room. Today it is a full of candles. There is a table in the middle with full of food and had parchment on the table.
"It knew we homework." I laugh.

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