The Wedding

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Gellert POV:
I wake up to an empty bed for the first time in over a year. Albus decided that we should not see each other the night before the wedding. It is a muggle superstition that it will be bad luck to see the person you are going to marry the night before you get married. He decided to sleep at his brother's pub so his sister could help him get ready and so he could help Abeforth and Bathilda decorate. I decided to let him decide on decoration and I prepared the food which I have already made and just need Abeforth to cook. Even though he hates me I trust he will not mess anything up as he loves Albus despite everything that has ever happened between them. I take a deep breath and then begin to get dressed. I know Albus will have spent ages on his outfit but I have decided to wear a classic black 3 piece tuxedo with a gold tie which Albus told me I had to wear. I guess his outfit has gold in it too. I comb my hair, which is much shorter than it used to be but still is long enough that Albus can run his fingers through it and it curls at the ends, out of my face and try to calm my heart which is fluttering in my chest.

Once I am happy with how I look I make sure I have everything including the pendant that will hold out blood pact and my vows which I spent hours over. I take one last breath and open the door and walk out into the corridor. As I walk down the corridors one of my students walks passed me and looks at me curiously.
"Is there a special occasion Professor Grindelwald?" she asks.
I think for a second before I reply. "Uh yes. I am attending a wedding. Do you think I look okay?" I decide that I technically am not lying.
"Yes. You look great Professor. If you have a plus one she is very lucky." she replies with a kind smile. "Anyway I must be going. I have that essay to do for potions on Monday. Enjoy the wedding." She runs off before I can say anything else. Probably a good thing considering how I bristled at the assumption that I love a woman. I can't blame her though. It is just how society is. Albus and I always knew it would be difficult and we are lucky to have four people who are close to us attending the wedding. I know Albus is always very cautious in his lessons not to make anyone feel like they don't belong and I know he hopes that one day someone will trust him enough to tell him if they felt differently to the way society tells them to feel. That is one thing I love so much about him. Once I reach the outside of the castle I apparate right outside of Abeforth's pub. My aunt Bathilda is standing outside of the door and is beaming. She looks like she has already been crying. She gives me a hug as soon as she sees me before taking my arm.
"Are you ready?" she asks.
"I've been ready since the day I saw him." I reply honestly.
The door opens and I see the pub has been decorated with sprigs of lavender and Ariana is walking in front of us sprinkling a path of pale pink rose petals creating a path to the beautiful gold arch with red roses twined around it. And standing underneath is Albus. He is glowing and looks beautiful in his cream and gold outfit. We connect eyes as I begin to walk down the aisle and for a second I forget how to breathe. All I can do is look at Albus. My Albus. Once I reach him I take my place opposite him and give him a smile which he returns with a huge beam. Bathilda takes he place in front of us as she is going to be officiating the wedding. She starts to speak.
"We are gathered here today to witness of the matrimony of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald. These men met 6 years ago and when I first saw them together I knew this day would come one day. They have defied a lot of the expectations placed on them by society and I am so proud of them for staying true to themselves. So now we will begin the exchanging of the vows."
"Gellert, my darling, the first time I saw you it seemed impossible that you were like me. But then once I got to know you I knew you were the person I wanted to spend my life with and the fact that you felt the same is something I feel grateful for everyday. Our love is stronger than any magic and I promise to love and cherish you for as long as I live and even after we die I will still love you." Albus says with love radiating from him.
"Albus. My love for you started that first time we met. I remember being stunned by your beauty and as we got closer I fell in love with everything part of you. You are caring and smart and my love for you grows every single day. I promise you that I will love and care for you for eternity." I say.
"And now for the binding." Bathilda says after wiping a tear from her face. We both take our wands from a cushion Elphias is holding and I gently take Albus' hand. I draw my wand across his palm and a gash form with his scarlet blood beginning to flow out. He then does the same. We then link hands and an intertwined drop of our blood floats above us.
"Albus, Gellert, do you promise to love and cherish each other through sickness and health, no matter what happens around you, until you die?" asks Bathilda capturing the blood in the pendant I gave her.
"I do." Albus says.
"I do." I say.
"Then I now pronounce you husband and husband." Bathilda says after saying after healing both our hands. "You may now kiss."
I pull Albus forward and our lips meet. Time seems to slow as Albus runs his fingers through my hair and our tongues tangle together. Eventually we have to pull apart when I begin to feel breathless from lack of oxygen. Once we stop, our guest applaud us. Even Abeforth looks happy despite rolling his eyes at the intense display of affection.

Albus waves his wand and music begins to play.
"May I have this dance?" He asks bowing.
"Why of course handsome." I say taking his hand.
He leads me into the middle of the room and we begin to dance. The world disappears as we lean in to each other and sway to the music. We kiss again and dance and kiss again until it appears Abeforth has had enough.
"Who wants food?" he asks once our third dance is over.
Albus' face lights up at the mention of food. Abeforth and Bathilda bring out the mixture of sweet and savoury pastry items I made along with the white chocolate and lemon cake which I filled with raspberry jam, Albus' favourite flavours. Albus practically run over to the food and before anyone can stop him he begin stuffing sweet food in his mouth. Once he is over the rush he comes back over to me with a raspberry jam tart in one hand and a mini pecan pie in the other.
"You made all these?" He asks me before putting one of the tarts in his mouth.
"Yes. While you planned decorations I planned the food. You should try the savoury pies."
"Savoury. On my wedding day." Albus looks at me with mock horror.
"Okay fine. I think we can make an exception for one day that you eat as much sweet things as possible." I say watching his face light up.
"You are the best. Now let's cut the cake." He says bouncing round me.

It is past two in the morning when we get back to the castle and as soon as we reach my room Albus collapses on my bed. He groans. "I've eaten far too much."
"Well maybe that will teach you not to eat so much." I reply knowing full well that it will not.
I get into bed next to Albus and before we fall asleep he turns to me.
"I love you husband." He says.
"I love you too." I reply. "Husband."

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