Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel except my OC.

Hope you enjoy and please review! I love to see your thoughts – have a wonderful day!


London, a huge labyrinth of historic lanes, forgotten streets and crowds that seep across the city like a plague. I can't say I was a fan of the place, I only really hung around because it was one of the most crime ridden places on the map and with my uh... set of skills you could say? I'm best suited to hanging around here for a while. I paused as I sipped my latte, my eyebrows raising as I questioned the description of myself. I'm not Liam Neeson in Taken for gods sake, don't expect any threatening phone calls anytime soon. That reminds me, I should really watch that again soon. Only the first one, the rest sucked.

I stepped off the bus with about four other people, one coughing and spluttering in my direction before I waved my finger and made his hand immediately cover his disgusting mouth. God people are revolting. How hard is it to simply raise your palm to your face? I rolled my eyes as he wondered what the hell just happened and I ran across the street, my copper hair blowing across my pink freckled cheeks as a surprisingly cold wind flowed through the city.

"Jesus..." I tightened my jacket around my neck as I walked towards my brothers work, he worked in special events at the history museum and he wanted some help with some graphics for the Egyptian exhibit, some rich guy wants to have a party apparently, must be nice having money like that to throw around. I'm quite handy with a digital pencil and camera so he wants some flyers and invites made for it, lucky me. I made my way into the large building, checking my watch to notice I arrived fifteen minutes early. No matter, I'll take a little look at what they've got so far and see what I could put together.

The room was quite spectacular, huge windows allowed light to bounce across the polished surfaces, the large carvings towering intimidatingly over you.

"Cool..." I smirked as I walked forward, my fingers warming around my takeaway coffee as I got completely lost in the history. I have to admit, there was something truly beautiful about Egyptian art, the work that goes into the sculptures is just amazing. I instinctively went to reach out to touch the stone until I heard a male voice call out from behind me.

"Oh uh, please don't touch that!"

I stopped my hand in mid air, my finger inches from the carved nose of some Egyptian king.

"The oils in your fingers can actually damage the stone, causing it to disintegrate."

I lowered my hand as I turned to look at the nerdy sounding man. He was taller than me, dark hair and eyes, would be classified more as handsome and not cute if he carried himself with more confidence.

"My apologies, I get lost in my head sometimes." I gave him a small smile and he stopped beside me, adjusting his jacket. "Are you a tour guide?" My eyes studied him for a brief moment as he shuffled on the spot, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he shook his head.

"No... no not me. I uh, I work in the gift shop."

"Oh, sorry I just presumed."

"Don't worry about it..."

I was about to ask him about some other stuff before my brothers assistant came bounding over like an excitable kangaroo.


I rolled my eyes, the man still watching me as I slowly turned towards her.

"Martha... Let me guess..."

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