Chapter 10

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Sorry about the length of this chapter! I wanted to wrap things up in a nice way. Thank you everyone who followed along!


This is really happening, I kept waiting for them to say only joking but nothing came. I took in a breath, my eyes rolling over every feature on their face. The dark brown eyes, the chiseled jaw, the wild curls. I smiled, raising my hand to Stevens face, my fingers caressing his stubbly cheek.

"I cannot imagine having neither of you in my life. As long as we set some ground rules..." I paused, bopping his nose. "Then I'm all in."

"Yes! Get in!" Steven pulled me into a hug and I just breathed in his scent, my nose burrowing into his neck as my fingers trailed along his exposed shoulders.

"Rena..." it was Marc speaking now and we pulled away from each other, our faces so close we could feel each other's warm breath on our skin.

"Marc...?" I blinked slowly at him, his eyes switching from my eyes to my lips. I let out a small laugh, my hands squeezing his shoulders.

"Here I thought you were the confident one." I grinned, leaning forward and pressing my lips against Marc's, we melted into each other – his arms sliding around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. My body began to hum, my eyes glowing orange as I got a little heated – my body pulling away as I bit my lip.

"That was..."

"Too much?" I questioned and Marc shook his head.

"Great actually." He smiled, his face lighting up as I felt the warmth burn my cheeks, my eyes refocusing when Marc handed over to Steven and he cleared his throat.

"So about these ground rules."

I beamed a smile at him, getting up to the mini fridge, pulling out a cold bottle of water. I could see Steven blushing, his eyes looking at me for a moment before briefly gazing away and I raised an eyebrow – glancing down at myself to find I was just in my underwear from the waist down. A fresh scar trailing up from my knee and thigh.

"Jesus dude, just enjoy the moment." Marc said.

"I don't want to be presumptuous, it's rude to stare."

I chuckled as they bickered with themselves, opening the water bottle before taking a few gulps, my dry throat instantly soothing as I swallowed the water.

"Gentleman, please." I placed the bottle down, standing in front of Steven with my hands on my hips. "Ground rule one, you can't mock or comment on the speed of which the other is moving with me."

"Yeah, you hear that Marc." Steven said before quickly switching.

"Yeah yeah, I hear you." Marc's gaze didn't drift when he looked at me, it was like he was taking in every freckle, every imperfection. His hand raised as he trailed his finger along my fresh scar, his palm resting on my hip as he pulled me closer to him as he spoke. "Ground rule number two, no snooping when the other gets their turn."

I grinned, my fingers brushing through his hair before rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think that's fair." Steven added and I laughed. This was going to be fun, I mean I've  dated guys before but never at the same time and I don't think I've dated anyone who are so drastically different from each other. We all have our type which would usually be the Marc in my case but I fell for Steven first. His awkwardness, how kind he is, the way he lights up when he talks about things he loves. I look forward to getting to know Marc more, I feel like we could have a lot of fun together.

"It won't be simple but I'm willing to try if you two are."

"Sounds good to me."



After spending a few more days in Cairo, the boys each getting a day with me to themselves – we returned to London. We decided for now it's best we keep our living arrangements separate which is fine, although I do still worry about the whole sand around the bed thing at his place, I hope he knows he won't be doing that at mine... it would take weeks to get that out the carpet.

"You really feel something for that blood bag."

Khonshu spoke as we walked into Stevens place, my eyes rolling as I closed the door.

"Jealous are we?" I muttered and Marc scoffed.

"I am a god." He yelled and I rubbed my ear, Marc walking towards him before switching to Steven.

"Gods get lonely too, you know."

"Parasite." He hissed and I moved to Steven, kissing his cheek before standing up to Khonshu.

"I'm going to give you the option to leave on your own accord. If not, I'll blast you out that window." I gave him a false smile, my eyes beaming a bright orange – reinforcing the fact I wasn't kidding. After what he witnessed with Ammit, he knows not to push me.

Khonshu just stared down at me in silence, well I think he was looking at me – he didn't actually have eyes and without muttering another word, decided to leave. A cloud of sand disintegrating in front of us.

"Such a charming fellow." I breathed, sarcastically of course.

"I think he might be a little scared of you." It was Marc again, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me as I smiled.

"So he should be."

He slid my hair onto the other side of my shoulder, nuzzling his face into my neck as he hummed in agreement before whispering in the deep gravely voice I love.

"Wanna try out those restraints?"

My face immediately blushed, my hands sliding over the top of his as I turned my head.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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