Chapter 9

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Falling felt so freeing, that moment of pure weightlessness – the wind blowing through your hair... the blood oozing from my wounds. The fox within me had to withdraw to heal us, it was the right thing to do but the rocks below me didn't look super soft and inviting.

As I neared the ground I felt a strong breeze, Khonshu appearing beside me before wrapping his arm around my waist, floating us gently to the ground before placing me on the rocks.

"And here I thought you hated me." I teased, my eyes gazing at my wounds as my spirit worked hard to heal them.

"I did it for Marc." He spat before disappearing, my eyes following the trail of sand as I laid my head back on the rocks, my mind becoming drowsy from blood loss. I guess the old bird had some compassion after all.

"Oh my god, Rena..." Steven dumped Harrows unconscious body on a mound of sand before running up to me, his hands cradling my face as his mask disappeared.

"I'm so glad you're okay..." I breathed, my eyes filling with tears as I gazed into his magnificent brown eyes. "I mean both of you."

Right before my eyes his suit shifted and Marc was now crouching in front of me, his hands wandering down do the large wound on my leg. "Jesus, what the hell happened."

"The Crocodile bitch clawed me..." I breathed, looking down to see my wound start to glow with orange energy – I could even see muscles and tendons start to form back together. "How do we stop her?"

Marc changed back to Steven and he looked over at Harrow and back at me. "Well, we need to bind her to something living so..."

"You want to bind her to Arthur?"

Steven switched again to Marc and if I wasn't already drowsy from the blood loss I'd think I was loosing my mind. "You two on talking terms now?"

"We've come to an agreement." Marc gave me a smile and I gazed back at him, my heart fluttering.

"I can take her energy and trap it in Harrow. It won't be easy, not when I'm like this but I think I can do it."

"Not a chance, you'll kill yourself!" Steven was back, crouching down beside me and I reached up – brushing those curls back off his face.

"We don't have another choice. I'm almost healed. I have to do this." I held up my other hand and he pulled me to my feet, my eyes closing as my nose scrunched in attempt to contain the pain.

"Rena..." Steven just gazed at me, worry in his eyes and I smiled. Ammit starting to stir from me blasting her after she nearly sliced me in two.

"I have to do this now, before she wakes up fully."

Steven nodded, switching to Marc. I hope he did that so he didn't have to see in first person what I was about to do. It's going to take a lot to contain Ammit but if I can contain my spirit then I can control hers. I limped forward, Marc moving to my side to help me kneel beside Harrow. 

"Are you sure about this?" Marc spoke from behind me, his hand on my back as I nodded.

"I'm sure." I breathed, one of my hands sliding across Harrows chest, my palm above his heart as I held up the other hand to Ammit. I could do this, I had to do this. Just think of Steven, of Marc. Where we could go after this. I exhaled, my eyes glowing orange as my energy began to form around Harrow and his so called god, covering their entire bodies as I began merging the pair.

"It's working..." Steven spoke, kneeling beside me as he placed his hand on my good knee.

I didn't respond, I don't think I could if I wanted to. The amount of concentration needed to do this was insane. I kept taking deep breaths, sweat starting to bead on my skin as I strained against my power – the sand beneath me shaking. I slowly started to move my hand back towards Harrow, Ammit slowly turning into her deep purple energy, her form disintegrating as I began to bound her to Harrow. This was exhausting, I was starting to struggle, my head was pounding, my nose started to bleed.

"I'm here." my fox spirit starting to slow the healing of my wound – backing me up as I continued to draw Ammit, her purple energy swirling around my hand now, snaking up my arm and across my chest to move to the hand pressed against Arthur's heart.

"Rena... Your leg..." Steven placed his hand on my back. "It's not healing. You have to stop!"

I shook my head, I was so close. Her form was no longer there now, her spirit glowing in purple light as I drew the last of the of it in – scratches forming along my skin where her energy touched.

"Almost..." my head began to spin and I transferred the last piece of her inside of Harrow, he gasped - his eyes opening wide, shining purple before he passed out again. They were bound, I did it. I actually did it.

I wiped the sweat from my head, my eyes gazing up at Steven – his face blurring in and out as I smiled. "I'm going to be okay..."

"Rena..." he brushed his thumb against my cheek, his eyes filling with tears as I slumped against him, my body exhausted – shivering as my energy levels dropped.

"Rest. I'll take care of us." My spirit echoed within my mind, my eyes fluttering shut as I melted into Stevens arms, shadows engulfing me as I passed out.


I woke up to the feeling of silk sheets brushing against my skin, a warm breeze flowing through my hair as I slowly blinked – peeling my eyes open as  my vision adjusted to the sunshine warming the room. I let out a breath, my hand trailing down my back and leg – feeling a ridge of a thin scar.

"You're awake."

My eyes lifted to Marc, currently only wearing some shorts as his chest stayed exposed. I sat up, trying not to stare as the silk sheet slipped off me as I realized I was wearing a loose t shirt.

"Ah, just so you know I did it all without looking. I promise." Marc moved towards me, perching on the edge beside me as I looked up at him – a small smile on my lips as I nodded.

"Oh I believe you, I'm pretty sure Steven would've tried to punch you otherwise."

"Well... I don't know about that." Marc shifted, Steven grinning at me as his eyes twinkled. I was really starting to wonder if I cared for the both of them, I kissed Steven and I very much enjoyed it, however I still get that same feeling around Marc.

"Did everything work out?" I asked, gazing around this beautiful room which overlooked Cairo and the pyramids.

"Everything's under control, Harrow isn't going to bother anyone again." Marc added and for the first time in days my body actually relaxed.

"Thank god." I breathed, placing my hand on his and squeezing gently, Marc's eyes looking down before lifting back to my face.


I immediately pulled my hand back, my cheeks burning. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean..."

He hushed me, remaining as Marc instead of changing. That was curious.

"Steven and I have been talking..."

My heart started to beat faster, my eyes dropping as I started to pick my nails nervously. Was I getting dumped? I mean we weren't technically dating but Steven and I clearly cared about each other... I cared about Marc too but I wasn't sure on his feelings.

"Rena I care about you."

"Excuse me?" My blue eyes gazed into his brown ones, my face shocked as he smiled – tucking my messy red hair behind my ear.

"Steven and I, if it's okay with you." He paused, switching to Steven. "We both want to be with you."

My mouth dropped open, gazing at Steven as he brushed his fingers across my cheek. His eyes looking at me, waiting for an answer.

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