Chapter 7

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Waking up wasn't the greatest of feelings, I was currently in the back of a large car, some off road vehicle by the sound of it. My eyes felt so heavy, my vision blurry as I tried to blink away the darkness. I felt like shit, my head was throbbing, the light of the day streaming through the open window as the breeze tousled my now loose hair around me.

"Ah, you're awake."

I raised my hands to my head, my fingers smearing the blood off my cheek as I turned to look at him. Arthur harrow sat in the front passenger seat as I laid across the three in the back.

"How are you feeling?"

I just started at him, struggling to piece together what happened before I got knocked out.

"I'm sorry about Marc. It was a necessary step."

My brows furrowed, my body moving to sit up as it screamed at me in disagreement. "You murdered him..." I breathed, a wave a nausea hitting me as i leant forward, my elbows on my knees as I took deep breaths. "I won't let you kill more innocent people..."

I heard him hum as if he was agreeing with me. "I don't think you're in any state to do anything right now, let alone stop a goddess."

I peered at him through the blood stained strands of my hair, my fists clenching. "You don't have a clue... you think you've seen what I can do but you've only seen a glimpse..." I tried to draw my energy to blow up the engine but all it managed to do was make me rush to hang my head out the window, the contents of my stomach coming up and disappearing just as quick as we continued to drive to wherever the hell he was headed.

"I do praise your determination Rena, I do." He turned to look at me from the front, my hand wiping my mouth as I tried to control my breathing.

"Why am I still alive?" I hissed, my head becoming fuzzy again as purple flashes interrupted my vision.

"Now that would is a million dollar question." He turned, my eyes seeing that his cane had formed to be a staff, purple energy forming around the head.

"Please don't..." I tried opening the door but it was locked and I didn't have the energy to lift myself up to climb out the window.

"You'll see, this world will be so much better when Ammit has returned."

"You're having a laugh... You've completely lost it mate." I pinched the bridge of my nose, the pounding in my head intensifying.

"Time will tell. Now rest up, Ammit will want you at your best." I saw him smile in the rear view mirror, my eye lids becoming heavy as I felt that dark energy swarm my mind again. I couldn't fight, not like this. I needed Steven, I needed Marc. Images of them being shot filled my mind right before It took over and I blacked out.


When I started to come round, I heard a lot of commotion. The first thing I felt was my body lying against something cold, something stone perhaps. I could hear Harrow barking orders and I heard voices I hadn't come across speak back. They sounded angry, scared – they didn't want Harrow to continue on the path he was on. I peeled open my eyes, my lids like sand paper as my body struggled to heal itself. I didn't have the fuel my body needed right now, I could feel the power inside of me that I fought to keep contained shake against its restraints but I couldn't release that now. With how my mind was, there's no guarantee I'd be able to control it.

I tried to move my body, I was currently leaning against a large stone pillar and I lifted my head, my eyes only seeing blurry shapes and blasts of purple light as a fight was going on. The sounds of gunshots echoing in this vast space as I tried to crawl away, my hands and knees scraping along to stone floor as I shuffled my way into a hallway, my back pressing against the wall as I rubbed my eyes.

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