A couple of months later

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It was Romsae's last night in Korea, so the trio decided to spend the night together. Gyul was about to propose to Hanyang when Hanyang broke the news.

Hanyang: we're pregnant!
Gyul: what?
Hanyang: I mean I'm pregnant. I'm 2 months pregnant
Romsae: wow congratulations you two 😥
Hanyang: thanks.... but why are you crying?
Romsae: I'm just so happy for you both.
Gyul: oh my goodness. I mean wow
Hanyang: is that all you could say?
Gyul: i mean i was supposed to propose tonight. I wasn't expecting that. 😄
Romsae: you better pull yourself together. You're having your own family now.
Gyul: yeah I know

Romsae was also 2 months pregnant. She just found out earlier that day. She doesn't know how to tell her friends her situation since it will be complicated.

*a week after Romsae arrives in Korea.
Romsae: hello 📱
Gyul: hey
Romsae: why can't I get over you. After all these years. 😢 😭
Gyul: are you drunk?
Romsae: you know this is your fault, why I moved abroad coz you picked her
Gyul: what are you saying? Where are you? I'll pick you up.

Hanyang: whay time is your flight tomorrow?
Romsae: before lunch
Hanyang: is it okay if it's just Gyul who will drive you to the airport. I don't feel good every morning.
Gyul: why? What's wrong? Should we go see the doctors.
Hanyang: it's just morning sickness. It's normal for the first trimester
Gyul: oh okay. Just tell me if you need anything ok.
Romsae: this is very unusual of you. You used to be the tsudere of the team
Hanyang: tell me about it. Sometimes I feel like she has done something bad that's why she acts so sweet.
Gyul: what?
Romsae: it's because your pregnant that's why she's over acting

Romsae was hit with reality. She did something bad with Gyul.

Romsae: i don't think it's necessary for Gyul to accompany me tomorrow. I could just get an Uber
Gyul: nope. I'm driving you to the airport tomorrow.

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