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After her graduation, Chaeng went out to eat jajangmyeon with her parents plus Auntie Megan and Auntie Romsae.

Chaeng: the silence makes it more weird.
Gyul: oh really... are you?
Chaeng: appa... don't ask questions like that.
Gyul: oh really.
Hanyang: it was just a month since we moved out and you two already sounded like strangers.
Chaeng: appa!
Gyul: yeah.... I mean what have you been up to lately
Chaeng: Bbiyongz
Hanyang/Megan: hahahahaha
Gyul: what's that?
Chaeng: we do anything we want do to at home. Omma let's me stay up late. We dance till late night. We sing karaoke.We eat late night snacks. I can sleep over at my friend's house. She can also sleep over.

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Megan: there is no restrictions Gyul: are you saying I'm strict at home?Chaeng: no appa

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Megan: there is no restrictions
Gyul: are you saying I'm strict at home?
Chaeng: no appa... that's not it. What i meant was....
Hanyang: she's free at home
Chaeng: I'm happy at home
Romsae: hello 📱 ..... excuse me. Nakoyah!
Hanyang: speaking of Nako. Where is she? I thought she'll be here with Romsae
Chaeng: Nako?
Gyul: Auntie Romsae's daughter
Chaeng: oh
Gyul: she's in Hawaii right now travelling with her friends.
Chaeng: good for her
Megan: do you want to travel with your friends too?
Chaeng: i want to travel with omma and appa
Romsae: sorry about that. It was Nako.
Hanyang: how's your daughter?
Romsae: she'll arrive next week
Hanyang: have you moved in with Gyul?
Romsae: no no. I'm staying at my parent's house.
Hanyang: and Nako?
Romsae: i mean we're staying at my parent's house
Gyul: Hanyang we're not a couple. Why would she moved in with me?
Hanyang: anyways....have you told her
Romsae: soon
Chaeng: how old is she? Nako?
Hanyang: same as you. You're just older by a couple of weeks
Megan: cool. You were pregnant at the same time. You really are best friends
Hanyang: getting pregnant at the same time wasn't the only thing in common. Right Romsae?

Gyul senses that the topic is becoming more serious

Gyul: let's eat

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