Another secret

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Hanyang was angry....she felt betrayed.

Hanyang: Megan can you take the kids out for a bit. I just need to talk to them privately

Megan took Chaeng and Nako out of the cafe while the trio sort things out.

Gyul: Hanyang I'm really sorry
Hanyang: when did it start?
Gyul: It wasn't my intention to make you sad. It just happened
Romsae: another on of "it just happened"
Hanyang: I'm not sad. I just felt betrayed. You had so many excuses back then. Why we couldn't get married yet because of this because of that
Romsae: so you still want to marry her?
Hanyang: that's not what I'm saying. What i meant was. She had a lot of excuses. Now I'm not sure if she ever did love me while we were dating.
Gyul: of course I did loved you
Hanyang: do you love her?

Gyul doesn't know how to react. She loves Jissen but doesn't want to hurt Hanyang more than she is hurting right now.

Romsae: how you stayed silent means you do love her. How long has it been
Gyul: 15 years.
Hanyang: what?
Romsae: you kept it for 15 years?
Hanyang: we broke up 8 years ago.
Gyul: I'm really sorry.
Hanyang: all along I thought it was my fault when we broke up because I had an affair back then with Megan. And the only thing I knew you did was having a kid with Romsae. But now this? So you mean to say while we were together, not only did you had a secret baby with Romsae, you also had a secret affair with Megan's cousin.
Romsae: I think she also had a kid with her
Gyul: you're not helping at all.
Romsae: sorry but I think Hanyang deserves to know the truth.
Hanyang: how old is your other kid?
Gyul: 15
Romsae: are you planning on having multiple kids from different mothers.
Gyul: it just happened
Romsae: but the difference is...
Hanyang: you love with her
Gyul: I loved you too
Hanyang: but it was all a lie. Does she know we exist
Gyul: no it wasn't a lie. I did loved you. And yes she knows I was with you back then, that we had a kid together and that I also had a kid with Romsae
Romsae: she was aware of your situation but still chooses to stay?
Gyul: I begged her to stay.
Hanyang: now I feel stupid. How could I not know.
Romsae: coz you were focus on me?
Hanyang: I've only known about Nako 8 years ago. The other kid is 15 years old. I was being fooled twice during those 7 years.

Megan: what do you kids want?

Silence... both are still shock from the news.

Megan: ice cream? Come on let's have ice cream.

Nako: what a day
Chaeng: tell me about it.

📱 📲 📳
Chaeng: hello
Doyeonie: hey what's up
Chaeng: Doyeonie 😥
Doyeonie: hey why are you crying? Wanna come over tonight? Let's talk about it.

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