Auntie Romsae

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A month before Chaeng's graduation. Hanyang and Gyul told her the truth about their situation.

Chaeng: ok
Hanyang: what do you mean ok?
Chaeng: omma I've known it for years now.
Gyul: how?
Chaeng: omma sleeps over at Aunt Megan's at least once a week.
Hanyang: oh so you know about me and Aunt Megan.
Chaeng: yeah
Gyul: are you sure you're ok with this?
Chaeng: as if I have a choice. I mean we've been living like this for years now. I got used to it.
Hanyang: so will you be ok if I move out of the house.
Chaeng: well technically you and appa are not married so you can move out anytime
Gyul: smart kid
Hanyang: wanna come with me?
Gyul: what? You're not taking away my kid.
Hanyang: she's our kid. And we're not married so if this goes to court. I'll take custody since I'm the mother
Chaeng: stop!
Gyul: Chaengie you decide.... do you want to live wit omma or appa?
Chaeng: appa...
Gyul: yeah
Chaeng: please don't be mad
Gyul: you want to come with your omma?
Chaeng: I'll come visit you on weekends
Gyul: can I come to your graduation?
Chaeng: of course
Gyul: with Auntie Romsae?
Chaeng: auntie Romsae?
Hanyang: appa's first love
Chaeng: uhm ok. Wow this is weird.

*A week before
Gyul: hello 📱
Romsae: hey
Gyul: how's Nako
Romsae: tomorrow's her graduation
Gyul: I wish I was there
Romsae: how's Chaeng?
Gyul: she'll graduate next month
Romsae: have you told her?
Gyul: not yet. Hanyang said we'll tell her soon.
Romsae: I also haven't told Nako about you
Gyul: are you really moving back next month?
Romsae: yeah, but Nako will be going to Hawaii first before flying to Korea. She wanted to travel with her friends after graduation.

Chaeng: ok Auntie Romsae can come to my graduation. And also Auntie Megan

*on the day of graduation
Gyul: hello 📱... are we meeting you at the school?
Hanyang: Chaeng is still at home getting ready. I'm heading to the cafe right now, Megan called she said there is a problem with the plumbing.
Gyul: why did she call you? Are you a plumber or something?
Hanyang: yah! Just pick up Chaeng at home and make sure she's not late for her graduation.
Gyul: ok ok.... anyways I'm with Romsae right now.
Romsae: hey Hanyang
Hanyang: hey.... gotta go I'm almost at the cafe. See you later. Bye
GyulRom: see you.

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