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After meeting her daughter, Nako, Gyul's next plan was for her daughters to meet each other. She asked Hanyang and Romsae for help.

Romsae: Nakoyah
Nako: yeah omma
Romsae: remember Hanyang?
Nako: yeah. Appa's ex girlfriend
Romsae: uhm actually appa and Hanyang has a daughter together.
Nako: huh?
Romsae: you have a sister
Nako: how old is she? Unnie?
Romsae: no. You're the same age. She's just a couple of weeks older.
Nako: wow appa 🤦‍♀️ got you and her girlfriend pregnant at the same time.
Romsae: it was complicated
Nako: but they didn't get married although they had a kid together.
Romsae: i also don't  know the reason.
Nako: now I understand why you have to moved abroad. Wait.... does she know I exist?
Romsae: uhm
Nako: omma!
Romsae: let your appa handle that. It was her plan after all.

Hanyang: Chaengie
Chaeng: yeah omma
Hanyang: remember Nako? Auntie Romsae's daughter?
Chaeng: yeah omma
Hanyang: appa wanted to know if you're  interested in meeting her
Chaeng: uhm I think it's ok since you said we're the same age. Maybe we can also be bestfriends just like you and auntie Romsae.
Hanyang: oh that would be.... great hehe

Hanyang suggested that since Chaeng is busy lately at the cafe they could just meet there.

Chaeng: appa!
Gyul: Chaengie
Nako: annyeonghaseyo
Chaeng: annyeonghaseyo. You came together?
Gyul: her omma dropped her off. I just met her in front of the cafe
Nako: I'm Nako
Chaeng: nice to meet you. I'm Chaeng. Want to learn how to make coffee?
Nako: yeah

Nako was a bit worried to call Gyul appa since Chaeng still doesn't know about her.

Hanyang: you 3 look good together
Chaeng: huh?
Gyul: Hanyang can we talk

Gyul pulls Hanyang to the side to talk privately.

Hanyang: Chaeng teach her how to make leaf foam

Gyul: how do I do this?
Hanyang: just tell them. Kids you two are sisters. I'm  your appa.
Gyul: it's not that simple
Megan: you really are something Gyul
Gyul: what are you doing here?
Megan: I was here first before you enter with Hanyang a couple of minutes ago. I was doing inventory

Chaeng: appa! You're phone is ringing. Jissen is calling.
Gyul: yeah... coming.
Megan: wait hold on. Jissen. Don't tell me that's the same Jissen I know.
Gyul: yeah... excuse me i have to take the call.

Before even picking up the call. Megan shouted.
Megan: yah! You're dating my cousin!?!

Everyone was silent.... then

Chaeng/ Nako: appa!

3 mothers 1 JangWhere stories live. Discover now