Appa 3x

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Chaeng/ Nako: appa!
Gyul: Megan!
Megan: oops. Sorry.
Chaeng: what did you say?
Nako: huh?
Hanyang: wait I am as confused as you two.
Romsae: hey I'm back.
Hanyang: do you know about this?
Romsae: about what?
Chaeng: appa!
Gyul: Megan close the cafe. Let's have a serious talk everyone
Megan: but we still have a few customers
Gyul: Megan!
Megan: ok fine

After the customers were gone
Gyul: how do I say this
Hanyang: start by telling the truth
Gyul: Chaengie.... Nako...
Romsae: Nako knows
Chaeng: appa!
Gyul: alright. My Chaengie.... uhm Nako here is your sister.
Chaeng: huh? But we're the dame age.
Megan: Gyul 👏 👏 👏
Hanyang: now is not the time.
Megan: sorry.
Gyul: you girls know that me and your ommas go way back right? Actually since high school I had a thing for Romsae but I didn't have the courage to tell her.
Romsae: i was also shy to tell my feelings.
Chaeng: so you two love each other?
Romsae: loved.
Gyul:your omma and I started dating after we graduated.
Nako: and you never dated my omma.
Gyul: it was just the timing wasn't right. Then when we met again after a long time. It just happened.
Hanyang: that's how she got your omma pregnant.
Gyul: it was also the time I was saving up money to propose to Hanyang.
Hanyang: which didn't happen since I was also pregnant.
Chaeng: so in short.... she's my sister.
Gyul: yeah
Megan whispers: I don't think she's your only sister
Hanyang: oh right... are you dating Megan's cousin?
Romsae: oh she told you that already?
Hanyang: you knew?
Romsae: she just mentioned the other day that she's dating someone else.
Hanyang: since when?
Megan: the kid is about this big 👧
Everyone: what?
Hanyang: get out!
Gyul: Hanyang let me explain.
Hanyang: Get Out!!!

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