Who you calling Jagiya?

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Chaengie was surprised once again with her bestfriend's revelation....

Chaengie: since when?
Doyeonie: just last week. But we actually met on a dating app last year. Then we started talking. She was still in Japan then. Then one day she said she'll be going to University here.
Chaengie: is that why you really wanted to go to Uni?
Doyeonie: I've  always wanted go to go to Uni even before we started talking.
Chaengie: so you're dating my sister for a week now?
Doyeonie: yeah I  think so
Chaengie: and how did you know my appa. I mean our appa.
Doyeonie: I went to Nako's place yesterday and your appa was there.
Chaengie: oh ok
Gyul: I was just visiting.
Chaengie: appa no need to explain. I wasn’t even asking.
Gyul: I'm just saying.

Weeks later. Nako and Doyeonie went on a date on Chaengie's cafe.

Megan: isn't this a bit awkward.
Hanyang: why?
Megan: because Chaengie likes Doyeonie for a long time. But she was shy to admit it. Now her bestfriend is dating her sister whom she just met recently.
Hanyang: I guess the tables have turned....

Tables are indeed turned. Hanyang used to be the vocal one and Romsae was the shy one. Now their kids are the total opposite. Chaengie is the shy one and Nako is the more liberated sister.

Hanyang: I just hope Doyeonie is nothing like Gyul.
Megan: I know what you mean.
Chaengie: uhm excuse me...I'm  here you know. I can hear what you  two are talking  about. pls stop gossiping about other people's live

Chaengie stared at her bestfriend and her sister being sweet at the corner table.

Megan: you should've told her before.... that you like her.
Chaengie: it's ok auntie Megan. I'm happy for her. For both of them.
Megan: I'm just worried you might end up like your omma.
Chaengie: huh?
Hanyang: you mean she might end up like Romsae.
Megan: getting pregnant with her bestfriend who is already in a relationship just because she didn't confess her true feelings when they still young.
Chaengie: don't worry auntie Megan, omma. I would do that to my bestfriend and specially my sister.

Doyeonie saw her bestfriend looking at them...

Doyeon: Chaengie...
Chaengie: yeah?
Megan: go on. Join them.

Doyeonie: Jagiya.
Nako: hmm
Doyeonie: can she come with us tomorrow?
Chaengie: what's tomorrow?
Nako: we're going to Jeju tomorrow

Hanyang and Megan who are still evesdropping the kids conversation heard Jeju and Hanyang immediately wanted to call Chaengie.

Megan: don't you dare call her here....let her make her own decision
Hanyang: but Jeju is where it all started.
Megan: that's your story. They have their own. Just trust your kid.

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