Nice to meet you

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A week after Nako arrived in Korea. Romsae set up a dinner date with Gyul and their daughter.

Nako: omma where are we eating dinner? (In Japanese)
Romsae: it's just a restaurant nearby. I invited a friend to join us. Is that ok (in Korean)
Nako: yeah
Romsae: I'm still amazed how we understand each other. You speak in Japanese I answer in Korean but still communicate.
Nako: That's because we're family

*during dinner
Romsae: Nako this is my friend Gyul
Gyul: annyeong
Nako: annyeonghaseyo
Gyul: oh you speak Korean
Nako: a little bit
Romsae: i tried teaching her at home but of course her first languange is Japanese since she was born and raised there.
Nako: omma, how did you know each other? is she your girlfriend? (In Japanese)

Nako was curious weather Gyul and her omma were dating because lately her omma always talks about Gyul her "friend"
Romsae was shocked to her daughter's question. She contemplates how to introduce Gyul to their daughter.

Romsae whispers: how do I introduce you?
Gyul: should I tell her? Now?
Romsae: uhm Nakoyah. Actually Gyul is.... your appa
Gyul: ah yeah uhm I'm your appa. Nice meeting you Nako.

Nako is shock and was speechless. Then she started crying

Nako: appa 😢 😭
Gyul: oh Nakoyah. App is sorry if I wasn't there for you while you were growing up. It was a complicated situation between your omma and I. But now I'm here. I promise I'll make up for it.
Nako: appa 😢 😭
Gyul: did she understand what I said?
Nako: yes I understand

Nako was overwhelmed with what just happened. All along she thought she was meeting her omma's "friend" but it turned out to be her appa.

Nako: are you going to live with us now? (In Japanese)
Romsae: she asked if we're moving in together
Gyul: uhm the thing is I'm actually dating someone.
Romsae: Who? Does Hanyang knows?
Nako: Hanyang?
Romsae: our best friend. Also her ex
Nako: but omma,you're also her ex?
Romsae: we were actually not a couple
Nako: so I was a mistake
Romsae: no! You are not a mistake. Me and your appa loved each other at some point. But the timing wasn't right

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