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Gyul asked Hanyang if they can postpone their wedding since her saved money for their supposed wedding was used for the birth of their daughter, Chaeng. Hanyang didn't contest since she knows how hard Gyul worked for the past months since she couldn't work at all while she was pregnant.
After 10 years. The couple, still not married, started having troubles.

Gyul: are we really doing this again? I'm tired of this. Good thing we didn't get married yet
Hanyang: the reason we didn't get married yet is because you couldn't accept the fact that you'll be tied down. I know you've always say that we need to save more money but cut the b*llsh*t. I know the real reason you couldn't marry me. It's because of Romsae.
Gyul: what? Don't include her in our issue.
Hanyang: she is part of the issue.
Gyul: what are you saying?
Hanyang: stop pretending you don't know. I know you know.
Gyul: are you really making up stories right now to divert the real issue?
Hanyang: don't avoid the issue
Gyul: you're avoiding the issue. Do you think I'm that stupid. I've known for years about you and your cafe "manager"
Hanyang: what?
Gyul: what's her name? Megan?
Hanyang: don't drag her into our problems
Gyul: should I talk to her tomorrow?
Hanyang: yah!

The couple broke up the next day.

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