Bonus Chapter!

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Bonus Chapter

***After hospital****

Yuzu’s POV:

Mei was released from the hospital a couple of months ago.While she had some nightmares, she was feeling better and I was planning a real date with her before we got married.. We kept our marriage in suspense as we wanted to get through all our sad moments and fill it with joy.

I called Mei and I said, "Mei...".

"Yes Yuzu, if you're not going to say something drop the call... I'm busy," she said with an irritated voice. She's busy all the time. She should have married her work, not me.

"I shall not be long." I wanna take you to the date”, I said in a hurry. I heard nothing from that side. You think I blew it?

“Mei….you there?”, I asked slowly.

"Umm... Yuzu... what did you ask?" Her voice is so sweet now.

“I want to pick you for a date tomorrow. Can you please be ready at five o'clock?" I hesitated.

"I would like to," said Mei with a happy voice. Now I need to crush my mind to decide where can I take her up. Then I figured someplace she'd love. It is situated on the hillside where we can see the entire city. It's got good coffee.

The next day I was so nervous. What's got into me. I got a daisy flower as I remembered that she likes it when we were young and now I am standing at her door. After being nervous for a few minutes, I sighed and knocked on the door. My angel was there and she's magnificent. She hit me as I was not moving and I gave her the flower and I took her to the location I had planned.

We sit in the corner where we might get a perfect view and we wait for somebody to serve us. Unfortunately, we had Stella here. Stella's a person I've flirted with every time I've been here before. We didn't sleep together, but we made out.

While she was taking our orders, she smirked and touched my arm and said, “So, we will meet tonight”. Uh.. Uh.. not today…. “No….”, I sluttered.

She faked as if she was hurt, "Sometimes...", when I thought she left the place, she stood there and kissed me on the cheek. Again... not today... I tried to give Mei a cheeky smile but she was already watching me ready to kick me out. Busted…. Our date ended up with Mei leaving me in the café and I have to walk to my house. She took my car key and left me behind.

It took so many days to plan for the next date.  I planned this meeting checking more than twice that I don't know anyone at the café. But fate seems to have a way with me. The lady at the counter gave me a smile and me being me replied her, “Hey beautiful, you are dashing today…”, I saw her blush but her eyes got widened as if she was seeing something. Then I realized Mei was the one behind me. She immediately pulled me and took me to her house.At least this time, she hasn't left me here.. Once we get to her place, she throws everything at me, I have to hide on the couch.

"If I see you flirting with someone or others flirting with you, I will kill both," she yelled... Now, I think I gulped myself and went to hug her. But she said, “Couch today….”. Yes, I moved to her place a week before the date after so many conversations between us.

She didn't let me plan the other dates. She herself planned and to my surprise it was at her home. It was so nice and she had everything I loved and we ended up sleeping together after having a lot to drink...

Like she tamed me by not letting me to go behind others, I have to stop her kissing… (Yes, Mei loves getting kissed than anything….) to make her think that sometimes she might be wrong as well and it is ok to make mistakes.

We are not perfect for each other, but we are imperfectly perfect for each other…. And no one can make us whole.

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