Chapter 28: Is This The End?

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Lia's Pov

Everyone in the room was standing while I was sitting down on a very uncomfortable bed. Eden grabbed a wine bottle out of her bag and set it down on the book shelf that was in the room. Before I could say anything, she pulled a book and the shelf opened.

"I really miss this place." she mumbled to herself.

She then turned back around to me and gestured for me to follow her. I got up and followed behind her down a staircase. When we reached the end of the staircase, there was a door. She pulled out a key and unlocked it. We walked in and it was a library. Now why in the hell would these psychos have a library in their basement? Oh, I know. Because they're psycho.

I rolled my eyes and continued to walk with her. I knew she wasn't gonna try anything unless she wanted a round two. We walked over to a table and sat down at it. She sat across from me and all of her people stood around us with their guns still in their hands. She told one of them to grab some wine glasses and they started looking around. They came back with the two glasses and she smiled. She poured us both some wine and then handed one to me.

She giggled as I took it and said, "I'm so excited for this. You have no idea how long I have been wanting to just talk to you one on one. Without all of the drama."

I smiled and took a sip from the glass because I knew I was gonna need it.

"So, I'm Eden but you already know that. What you don't know is that my last name is also Anderson."

I was mid drinking and stopped. I looked up at her and placed my glass down. She kept smiling at me and she looked so happy but I was not.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"I know right. Who would have thought that me and you could be cousins."

"Cousins?" I swear the more she talked the more my head hurt.

"Yeah. Noah is my dad. He isn't a very good one but he still is my dad."

I gripped the table and stood up to keep myself from falling out of my chair.

"Who is your mom?" I asked, very concerned as to where she is.

"Oh, well my mom is a woman named Lila but I've never met her so I guess she's dead."

Oh good lord just take me now. I was so close to just banging my head on this table right here right now. Of course the woman wasn't dead. That's what he tells us to keep us from being happy.

"How do you know for sure, for sure we are cousins? Maybe he is just lying to you." I said.

"Well I thought that until I found out that my mother is related to your mother. They're sisters."

At that exact moment, I grabbed my glass and started chugging it down. I handed it to her when I was done and she poured me some more. I drank more and when I was done, she just handed me the bottle.

"Look I know we didn't have the most memorable meeting but I really hope that we can be friends."

I stopped drinking and looked at her. She looked sad.

"Oh, no. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings with all the questions and all the drinking. It's just, I've had a really long life and now come to find out I'm gonna have an even longer one because I'm being lied to again."

"I know right. The lies are so ridiculous and annoying. Why can't we just know the truth?" she said, sounding very annoyed with it all.

"I actually agree with you. But I have a question." I looked at her to see her smiling. She nodded and I went on.

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