Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

"OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!" I screamed!

"Hailey, Hailey it is ok, it is ok!!" Chance told me as he wrapped me in his arms as I started crying.

Chance walked me down stairs and grabbed the phone and called the hospital. He told them that we came home and found my mother dead on the bathroom floor.

It looked like someone killed her and then dragged her upstairs to her bathroom.

"Who could've done this?" I said as I sat there crying.

"Hailey it is ok." Chance said as he walked over to me and hugged me to give me protection.

"NO IT ISN'T OK! SOMEONE KILLED MY MOM!! HOW COULD THAT POSSIBLY BE OK?" I shouted as he was still hugging me trying to calm me down.

"Hailey the ambulance is on there way as fast as they can!!" He said.

He sat there cradling me in his arms until the ambulance arrived. Chance we out to go talk to one of the doctors while some other people went to grab my mom.

The doctors took my mother to the hospital and did some testing on her. They checked the DNA on her body to try and figure out who could've done this.

Chance sat outside her hospital room until the nurse came and got us. She told us my mom was officially dead and that the DNA on her body was from a man named "Charley Cullen".

That was my father!!!!!!


"No, no I can't believe he did this to her!!!!!!!" I screamed.

"Hailey calm down." Chance said as he grabbed my arms.

He knew if he let go I would hunt down my dad until I found him and killed him!! He was right....I would have. He can't get away with killing my mother!

When we went in to see my mom, she seemed so peaceful, but died a painful death. I can't believe she died before I got married. I was wanting her to see my wedding and me loving my husband the way I do. I could've found her a husband. If that jerk hadn't of killed her, she could have loved someone again.

A week later we had the funeral for my mother. ALOT of people came. People from her job, people from our family, and people she rarely talked to. I was glad to see everyone there. I was sad during the burial, I started to cry and Chance hugged me and told me I was going to be ok. He cared so much for me, I could tell.

When we left from the funeral, I went to my grandmas house with Chance. We ate dinner there and I got to visit some of my family I haven't seen in a long time.

Chance and me left and headed back to "his" house. I couldn't trust going back to my house after what happened there.

"Chance we need to move." I told him.

"I know, we will once we get married. I already have money saved up in my bank for a big house." He said.

Next month was when we had our wedding. It was do beautiful. The food was amazing, the guest were outstanding, and that kiss was the best thing I could've ever asked for in my life.

Chance wouldn't tell me where he was taking me for my honeymoon, so I was trying to guess on the plane ride. He told me he won't tell me even if I got it right.

Then the plane landed and we were in

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