can I?❤️⚡

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All in Wilbur's pov
Contains SA


I walked down the park my guitar on my back as I walked by red tulips feeling the soft breeze hitting my face. I sat down near a ledge nest to a river I flipped over my guitar tuning it. I run my fingers over the strings variations of sounds come out as each finger hit all strings from lowest to the highest string a beautiful melody escaping from the guitar. I started to hum a song as I played hearing the wind go by me. I continued to play my fingers sliding down the frets that all ended when a man spoke to me "Uhm excuse me?" I looked behind me seeing a man with brown hair wearing a t-shirt along with sweatpants "oh hello was I bothering you?" "No, not at all just wanted to see if I could sit with you." "Sit with me?" He nodded and smiled softly I smiled "I don't mind some company.", He sat down with me talking with me. "You play the guitar nicely. I heard you playing before I spoke to you." I smiled "well thank you!" He nodded and looked out at the river "I remember being here when I was younger." "Oh really?" He nodded not looking at me.

"Me and my parents would go here." "Where are they?" "I don't fucking know. They left me I don't remember how or why but.." I saw his eyes water and aswell his face seeing it scrunch up. I set my guitar aside and I patted his back I saw his body tense up immediately till he relaxed again. "Sorry I didn't mean to ask such a question." I apologized he shrugged it off wiping his eyes "I don't know why I'm crying I've told this story so many times why is it affecting me now?!" It almost seemed he was talking to himself..grief? Im not sure. I saw his chest quickly rising up and going down hearing his quick breath. He hyperventilating.. I rubbed his back telling him to take deep breaths with me and he did I felt his breath go back to normal I moved back seeing him grip his pants "sorry I didn't mean to bring this all on you.." he looked away I reassured that it was fine. "What's your name?" I asked "oh it's schlatt, yours?" "Name is Wilbur." He hummed "hm. Wilbur sounds nice." I nodded "schlatt is a nice name aswell." I responded back I heard him scoff "yeah right!" He laughed I felt my heart stop for a second holy.. I felt my face heat up but brushed it off laughing along with him. "It is though I feel like it's unique name!" I saw schlatt smile "you know the more you lie your voice gets higher" he laughed I denied it.

He looked around grabbing a tulip "I love this type, red tulips.." he smiled "yes I will say they are pretty." Like you.. I blushed removing the thoughts I got I will say it was nice to spend time with schlatt I smiled he checked his watch and he looked back at me "well I have to go back home it was nice meeting you Wilbur." I nodded "it was nice to you too." He waved and left, I packed up and went home aswell. I'll definitely be meeting him again. I got home setting my guitar in my room as I sat on my bed seeing a message from..Jared? (Jared is Wilbur's ex-boyfriend)

I opened the text seeing him trying to apologize for cheating on me of course I didn't respond I mean I'm not going to waste my time on that piece of shit. I yawned as I then saw a photo of a couple hugging. I instantly thought of schlatt when we hugged. I blushed gripping my hair I couldn't get him out my head anymore.

(anyway schlatt and Wilbur have been hanging out more often becoming best friends.)

Its been months since me and schlatt became friends and I started to develop feelings and didn't know how to tell him. I saw schlatt run towards me "guess what!" "What?" "I got a girlfriend!!" Schlatt exclaimed. I felt my heart drop I held in tears as he explained who she was well there goes my plan to confessing to him. "And she's just really fucking cool!" "T-thats nice." He nodded "oh I gotta go I had a date planned today!" He left through the door as he ran out the door. I gripped my shirt feeling tears fall down my face I walked to my room slamming the door shut I sobbed for a bit I should feel happy for schlatt not upset am I had a friend?! My thoughts were stopped when I heard a knock at my door was it Schlatt? I stood up and opened my bedroom door then walked out and opened the front door meeting eye to eye with Jared. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" He forced himself in "answer my fucking question!" He scoffed "jeez calm down just wanted to check up on you" "well there you have now leave!"

⚠️⚠️⚠️SA STARTS.

I felt him pin me against the wall "shh, I can tell you've been crying..I saw schlatt leave too let me guess he broke your heart hm?" He rubbed my sides I pushed him off "that's none of your fucking business!" He rolled his eyes and once again started to rub my sides "c'mon Wilbur you know that no one would want to be with you besides me. I'm not surprised schlatt doesn't like you." How the fuck did he know him?! "How do you know him." "Old pals that's all I can say." He lifted my shirt up slightly I hated this I hated how he knew where to touch me but I allowed him anyway.."you know damn well I'm the only one who cares for you." I felt tears stung my eyes "N-no schlatt cares for me.." he slammed his fist next to my head "c'mon on Wilbur! He fucking left you for crying out loud!" I shook in place feeling chest tighten "s-shut up.." he cupped my face "I'm the only on who can take care of you who can love you in anyway.." he kissed me I pushed him off "no you don't give a fuck about me!" His face expression changed "c'mon love don't be that way.." I slapped him "don't you ever fucking call me that!" He pinned me against the wall kissing me he started unbuckle my pants I felt tears fall down my face as I desperately tried to get away. "Just let me take care of you love.." Jared whispered I cried out punching him the gut "just leave me the fuck alone!" He stood up slapping me and then forcing me to stand up "fine then if you want to be fucking lonely for the rest of your life then so be it!" We argued back and forth till I felt a familiar stung on my cheek as I fell to the floor holding my face tears running down my face. "Pathetic fuck." He grip my hair and kissed me again. I felt to weak to even bat him away but I tried to but couldn't till I heard a familiar voice.

⚠️⚠️SA ENDS⚠️

"Jared?." His eyes snapped over to his shoulder I pushed him and ran into my room locking the door. I heard footsteps run down the hallway I heard my door handle jingle "Wilbur open this fucking door!" I cried I didn't know what to do I wanted to fall asleep. I then heard two voice going at it I then heard the front door slam shut. I heard a knock on my door. "Wilbur can you open this door please?" It was schlatt. "Please go away!" I heard a sigh and then my door clicked and it opened I saw schlatt's face it was sad almost apologetic. He crouched down to me "are you okay?" I didn't answer. He cupped my face "please answer me Will.." I felt tears fall down my face "please just leave.." he hugged me "I'll cancel my plans.." I felt guilty "no it's uh fine, I'm fine just go hang out with you girlfriend just give me some space.." I saw his become stern "there's no way I'm going to leave my best friend like this.." I nodded my heart only hurting even more the word 'best friend' broke me. He smiled and hugged me again wiping the tears from my eyes but he just cupped my face a bit I stared at him seeing his face turn a light red color he is eyes widen and removed his hands "sorry I zoned out-" "it's fine." He looked away "I'll get us some food alright?" I nodded seeing him pulled out his phone ordering food.

I sat on the couch watching a movie for some reason schlatt was treating me. I felt my feelings about him only grew which made me guilty for crying out loud he has a girlfriend! As we both sat on the couch I felt him scoot closer to me. I blushed feeling our shoulders touch.

(Time skip to a week)

I woke up on my bed rubbing my eyes slightly my eyes slightly stinging due to all the crying the other day Jared texted me again last night and told me off. I walked around the house not seeing schlatt I was confused till he opened the door his face sadden "hey schlatt you alright? What happened?" I said seating the quiet man down " uh girlfriend broke up with me.." my eyes widen "Oh my I'm so sorry.." I hugged him I heard him sniffle "I mean idk why I'm sad I don't think I had an interest in women.." I felt my face heat up as he gripped my arm "oh so your saying..?" "That I'm not straight? I mean idk but probably." He paused and gripped my arm tighter. "C-can i- uh crap nvm.." I looked at him curiously "can you what?" "K-kiss you?" I felt my eyes widen feeling heat creep up onto my face "i- eh?!" "Listen I'm curious on how I will feel okay don't make it weird!" He said covering his face. I blushed feeling him sit above my lap the two of us making eye contact.

That's when it happened. He kissed me it was soft and light feeling him rub my sides. He pulled back he looked up at me "so how do you feel?" I asked "i-.." he kissed me again a little rougher. He pulled back "i- I don't's feels nice it a way but still confused." "It's okay I can help you figure out if you'd like?" I suggested he nodded and kissed me again.

"I'd like that.."

1847 words

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