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Yeaa more angsttt :DDD
self-harm, panic attack, insecurities, suicide, vomiting, mentions of voices - let me know if are anything else.
Don't read this story of you are uncomfortable. Take care :)


I sat in my bathroom gripping the sink as I looked at myself seeing bags under my eyes, my eyes all red from the crying I hated how I looked I hated how I couldn't fix it either.

The words 'disgusting' 'ugly' repeating around my head I covered my ears hoping that would quiet them down. But they only grew louder "SHUT UP!" I yelled banging my hand right against the mirror glass shattering I covered my mouth to restrain myself from letting out a loud sob. I looked at my hand blood oozing out from my knuckles glass shards sliced my skin ever so slightly. I cried out feeling rush of pain rush up my arm. I fell holding my arm I saw a bruise form on my wrist. "F-fuck.." I felt tears flood in my eyes I looked at all the glass shards everywhere just this one time. I grabbed a price of glass holding it against my arm.

I'm pretty sure you know what happened next.

Blood dripping down my hand, arm onto the floor, but one cut wasn't enough. I dropped the price of glass crying curling up into the corner trying breathe the voices grew louder and louder I screamed tryin to shut them up but that only brought more attention towards me by one specific person. Schlatt.


I sat on the couch wondering where Wilbur was at he said hed come join me. That's when I heard Wilbur yell following by a loud glass shattering sound. It's the voices again..this hasn't been happening in a while why now I thought he was getting help? I got up and ran towards the bathroom I tried to open the door it's jammed. "W-wilbur-!" I yelled out what scared me the most was how quiet it turned. "W-wilbur...?" I then heard muttered voices I knocked the door "will?" I heard a glass piece fall. Then he suddenly screamed making me stumble back. I grabbed the door handle banging my body against the door to see if it'll open. Thank God it did, I saw the other on the floor, my heart shatter seeing the other covering his ears tears falling down his face blood covering his entire half of his arm. "Oh my god, Wilbur!" I crouched down hugging the other hearing the others uneven breath. "Hey, hey calm down, hey look at me." I said holding his hands feeling the blood against my thumb. He eyes were filled with fear "can you hear me?" He nodded..

I continued to ask him questions to make sure he's back in reality instead in his head. He cried in my arms "I don't know what w-wrong with me!" I rubbed his back "there's nothing wrong with you." He cried. I bandage up his arm and hand seeing his face still tears still running down. I kissed his forehead "let's go to bed, yea?" He nodded.
Its been months since that happened I made sure he got help and he's been improving till i came home one day and I opened the front door a not was placed on the coffee table saying read. I grabbed the note opening it. It read.

Dear schlatt,

I had a wonderful time being your partner spending time with you I never regretted a second we spent with each other. Unfortunately I believe we both saw this ahead of us I will always love you in my heart till the day I die I'll never forget you. Life or death will not separate us. "Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dated to dream before;" - The Raven.

To my love,
          from wilbur

I was confused what did he mean what was this for what did this mean. I looked around then re-read it. Where's Wilbur. I gasped and hurries into our room I flung the door open horrified by the sight Infront of me a chair pushed over rope hanging.

The lifeless body of Wilbur hanged Infront of me.

I let out a scream mixed with a cry gripping the door. I stood still seeing the blue lips his pale skin. I cliched my stomach vomiting on the floor I fell to the floor gripping my phone I called the ambulance, but I knew he was long gone.
I sat next to Wilbur's grave holding flowers "God why.." I felt tears fall. I heard a voice "l-love?" My head flung up I looked around "Wilbur?!" Was I going insane what's happening I saw a ghost figure Infront of me. I felt nauseous "don't go down the same path as I." I couldn't help it I vomited again in distraught banging my head trying to make myself know. He was dead. I looked back at the sky seeing the figure gone. A note twitched in the wind this wasn't here. I opened it. It's the note, but the sentence was circled it stated. "Life or death will not separate us." I gasped then looked around.
He's not gone.
And each separate dying ember wrought it's ghost upon the floor. Eagerly I wished the morrow; vainly I had sought to borrow from my books surcease of sorrow- sorrow for the lost Lenore- For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angles name Lenore- Nameless here for evermore. And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain thrilled me- filled me with frantic terrors never felt before; - The Raven.

963 words

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