friends..? ⚡❤️

486 7 9

Hello I hope you are a good day :D

Tw- pocketknife, blood, mentions of mental health worsening, mentions of suicide.


I walked around the hallways as I stumbled right into schlatt. "Ack!- shit sorry!" I said as I stumbled backwards "watch were you're fucking going Brit." He spat out he walked away I grabbed my stuff and managed to get into class. If you didn't know schlatt and me aren't on good terms we used to be friends till i confessed my feelings towards him and I found out he was talking about me and we kinda grew distance and after that schlatt just turned into a real dickhead after that and beat me up sometimes. I laid my head down the teacher didn't care if I fell asleep as long as I got good grades in his class that's enough for him I soon fell asleep the bell awaking me I stood up as I was about to leave my teacher stopped me "hey wait will!" I looked at him I walked up "what is it?" " Uh I'd everything alright?" I nodded he was like a father to me better than my actual father. He hold his hand a piece of paper "what's this?" "A note someone wanted me to give it to you." "Who?" "I can't say they wanted you to find out." I picked up the paper it saying to meet up with someone in room 220 "should I go?" He shrugged I took a deep breath "I'll go.", I began walking away "I'll call the administrator if you aren't back!" I nodded walking away. As I walked the hallways grew quieter as less and less people were there to the point no one was around. I got a little nervous this was weird and creepy as I got to the room 220 I opened the door looking around "h-hello?" I said my voice echoing throughout the room I took more further steps then everything went to pitch black "guess who~" I froze  I began trembling. Schlatt. I turned around stumbling into desks "h-hello." He smiled I back away "what the fuck do you want from me!" He came closer taking a step each time I did "nothing just wanted to say hi." I saw pull something at of his pocket I back into a wall he finally reach me to the point are chest were almost touching. I tired to get away only to here a shing of metal the cold object made it's way to my neck I whimpered feeling it press down on my skin ever so slightly "awe are you scared?!" He pressed the knife further in my skin I winced loudly I felt tears in my eyes it thought that this was the day I die I cried out feeling what I assume my blood dripping down my neck I whimpered feeling the stinging pain unbearable.


Schlatt stopped cutting into the skin holding the knife the cut still on the surface level on the skin he pulled the knife back clicking it back in it's holder he heard the other weep "are you fucking crying?!" Schlatt grabbed Wilbur's chin forcing the other to look down at him seeing the others face covered with tears wilbur coughed feeling the cut sting even more "p-please let go.." schlatt laughed "God you're so pathetic." Schlatt threw the other to the floor a choked sob coming from the other's throat schlatt couldn't help but feel slightly guilty with all the sounds the other were making seeing him all vulnerable "quit making those sounds." Schlatt said wilbur covered his mouth trying his best to shut himself up. "Look at me" wilbur slowly rose his head up looking at the other schlatt gripped the others hair a loud shriek coming out of wilbur mouth. Wilbur couldnt keep quiet he wailed and wailed schlatt felt a little guilty for the other for crying out loud they used to be best friends seeing him cry out begging for him not to kill him. Schlatt knew wilbur wasnt mentally stable and he knew he wasn't helping him schlatt wouldn't be surprised if he tried to kill himself especially with the shit father he had. He let go of the others hair wilbur collapsing on to the floor weeping wilbur thought he was going to beat him up except Schlatt began walking away to the other side of the room opening a cabinet pulling out a first-aid kit walking back to wilbur. Wilbur clutched his sweater blood staining the yellow shirt. "Lift up your head." Wilbur didn't want anything worse to happen to him so he obliged he lifted up his head wincing at he opened the cut. Schlatt reached in the kit and began helping wilbur. Wilbur was confused normally he leave him there to cry but he was helping him. He felt a bandage put on his neck he looked down at schlatt who was putting everything away "why." Schlatt didn't answer putting away the kit "I hate you." Schlatt muttered followed by a hug wilbur was shocked. Wilbur hugged him back missing the warm embrace the feeling of being loved schlatt looked duo at wilbur seeing Wilbur's smile schlatt teared up "what the fuck if wrong with me." Wilbur frowned "nothing is." "What do you mean I tried to kill you?!" Schlatt yelled gripping wilbur shoulders "I don't even remember why I started hating you for why I made fun of you." Schlatt buried his head in Wilbur's chest "I'm so fucking sorry." Schlatt croaked out his voice sounding raspy wilbur ran his fingers through the others hair. Schlatt crying repeatedly saying sorry for everything he had done to wilbur. "I'm so fucking sorry for everything." Wilbur lifted up the others head kissing him schlatt didn't push away in disgust he let it happen he didn't care anymore fuck religion and what everyone tells you. "I love you schlatt" "and I forgive you.

1014 words

[Beep beep heyyyyy]
[Totally ain't writing this at 4:50 am 😎]

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