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Thank you for spicyxtoast for this idea :DD

"Go on techno show them what we do to traitors!" I laughed hearing the younger's ram yell begging. Techno hesitate he lifted his bow I saw whisper something and then blue, white, and red sparkles fly out I heard the screams of agony hearing everyone gasp and run. I felt a little guilty I mean he was just a teenager, but he shouldn't have been running his mouth he'd still be alive. I walked away smiling to myself hearing each step echo through the hallway I opened the door to my office pulling out my chair and a folder and went back to work as if nothing happened.

As I continued to write checks, plans etc. I heard a knock on my window my ears perking up. I looked behind me to see a familiar brown-haired guy. Wilbur. I got up and opened my window "what do you need soot." "Can we talk?" "Nah to busy." As I was about to close my window Wilbur grabbed my hand and pulled himself in making me tumble onto the floor. "Ow! You fucker!" I sat rubbing side feeling a bruise start form. "Tch. Weak." I glared at the other seeing him adjust his trench coat "Well that youre here what did you need to talk about." "I wanted to talk about earlier today. About tubbo." I raised an eyebrow "why that kid?" "He was my brother's best friend!" "So? He was a fuckin traitor I don't know why your telling me this." We both argued back and forth he pinned me the wall I felt fear filled me "And your solution is to kill him?! That fuck Is wrong with you you're insane!" I scoffed "look who's talking." I glared at him his eyes widen if felt his hands wrap around my throat I gripped his wrist "don't. You. Ever. Speak to me like that." He threw me to the ground I coughed rubbing my throat I stood back up looking back at him "I'ma need you to leave." He crossed his arms "For once Id thought you'd be happy to see me especially after your break up with quac-" "dont you dare fucking say his name." I sat at the other his eyes widen looking amused he smirked and slowly said "quackity.." I stared at him clenching my fist he rose an eyebrow "what princess? Not gonna do any-" I threw a punch seeing him tumble holding the side of his face "heh, struck a nerve did I?" I continued to glare at him "aw princess don't give me the silent treatment~" I grumbled "don't fuckin call me that." He walked towards me making me stumble back into my desk "how come?" "Cause it's fuckin weird!" I felt his hands on my waist making me blush. "Why is it weird?" He whispered "i-it just is!" I felt his breath against my ear "princess.." he whispered a quiet chuckle coming from him I grunted kicking him the shin he gripped my waist tighter as he groan falling to the floor but holding my waist "F-fuck ow!" I blushed at the position he was in. He looked up at me "so rude princess~" he realized he was looking at me and his eye traveled down I pushed him off "fuckin pervert!" I yelled I heard him chuckle "just a joke sweetheart." I scoffed "Wilbur I'm not going to tell you again i-" I was cut off with a pair of lips against mine, I pulled back covering my mouth "what the.." I felt my face heat up I felt him remove my hand letting it fall to my side he cupped my face kissing me again I felt my heart flutter. It's been awhile since I felt this cared his hands rubbed my sides I melt init his kiss wrapping my arm around his neck he pulled back "hm? What changed princess?" I grumbled "shut up before I change my mind about you." I kissed him again feeling him hold the back of my head pushing me further against him he pulled back panting going to my neck kissing it softly I mumbled covering my mouth feeling pleasure run up me "Mmm..w-will~" I moaned against my hand I felt him suck my skin harshly moans escaping my mouth he pulled back and smirked at me "I have to go princess. I'll make sure to see you soon, yeah?" I nodded he waved and climbed down the window. I stood there trying to process what happened in the last couple of minutes. I whined looking down seeing a certain thing poking through my pants.

"Fuckin left me here like this?! Fuckin asshole."

794 words

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