I love you. ⚡

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TW- Abusive father, panic attack, mentions of suicide, Bulling, Vomiting, Sh - let me know if they're any others -
Do not read if you are sensitive to topics included in the story.

Take care!


I woke up hearing my stupid alarm clock going off. I turned it off going into my restroom brushing my teeth I look at myself bags forming under my eyes bruises on my arms and my body. I sighed grabbing a pair of clothes changing into them. I walked downstairs seeing my 'father' drinking.
It's 7:06 and he's already drinking. "Better fuckin see an A on your test when I get it, got it?" I nodded I forgot to study. Shit. I walked out the door listening to music on my way to school. I felt my shoes soak up with water due to all the puddles outside. I clutch my backpack strings as I got closer to the doors. I entered in hearing people loudly laughing, speaking, and their steps. I walked to my locker opening it that's when I over hear. "Did you know we got a new student?" "No way really? What's their name?" "Supposedly it's a guy name Johnathan and I heard he like really fit-" I rolled my eyes and scoffed it's a new student and people crushing over him already. I grabbed my textbook along with some other stuff as I walked down the corridor I stumbled into someone "ack- uh sorry I didn't see you there!" I looked up to see a man with brown hair and beauti- brown eyes "No need to apologize accidents happen" he pulled out his hand "name is schlatt, and you are?" I shook his hand "Wilbur, Wilbur soot." "Well nice to meet you Wilbur." He smiled softly is this the guy people were talking about? "Well I'm off to class I hope to see you again!" I said walking past him he waved and moved along.

I sat down opening my textbook and studying with the few minutes I had before class started. I saw the teacher come in and then the bell rang I closed my book. Seeing the teacher passing out packets. As I answered questions I finally turned in my test. I went back into my seat pulling out my book reading till class was over. The bell rang and everyone left immediately I grabbed my stuff and went to my locker putting away stuff and grabbing more stuff. I went to the restroom doing my thing and washing my hands till I familiar group of people came in. "Hey Brit!" I looked over at them and felt my heart sank. Shit. "Do you got our stuff we need that now." I clenched the sink "I Uhm.." I heard the other scoff "don't fucking tell me you forgot. You know what happens if you don't bring us something of ours." The leader of the group walked closer to me chuckling darkly "Now Ima repeat this again, do you have our stuff." I shook as the man's voice went deeper. I shook my head no "I d-didnt have the time and I was real-" I was on the floor my nose bleeding my cheek swollen slightly from the punch he crouched down to me pulling my hair up forcing me to look up at him "oh am I going to have fun with you." He smiled. I tried to get out of his grasp only for his budding to hold me down. He hit kicked me shoved me against the stalls. He kicked me in the gut making me groan out loud my nose pouring at this point I coughed out. I felt the other grip my hair and slam my head against the wall "F-fuck!" I cursed feeling my body give up. "I hoped you learned your lesson, I'd hate to do worse to you next time if this happens again." "Pathetic fuck." One of the others spat. I tried to get up only to fall and hurt myself even more. So tired my nose aching my body bruising, that's when I heard a voice call out for help. I passed out .

I woke up in the nurses office seeing my body bandage. I saw one of the ladies walk up to me "hey kiddo glad your awake I justed wanted to say that your father is here and is going to take you home, okay?" I felt my body shake "o-okay..". I got into the car of this man who was my father he drove me home but as soon as the front door closed. It was hell. He grabbed me shoving me onto the floor I cried out in pain my eyes filling up with tears "God why do I have a fucking son who can't even protect himself?!" I stood up using the counter "you'd be better off fucking dead it'll help me out alot!" I walked up the steps into my room collapsing again I was so tired I wanted to leave this hell hole but where would I go I don't have anyone to go to. I gripped my bed climbing into the mattress. I looked at my guitar in the corner of my room. My stomach growled I whimpered going back downstairs looking to see if my father was anywhere. I opened the fridge but instantly stood still hearing the heavy breathing right. Behind. Me. "The fuck are you doing." I looked behind me seeing my father he smacked me across the face I whimpered falling into the floor "go up to your fucking room don't you dare' even try to eat!" I squirmed away going back into my room. My stomach growled even more I gripped my bedsheets feeling my stomach curl up. I ran into my bathroom throwing up into the toilet. I saw splatters of blood drip down my my chin. My nose is bleeding again. I got up grabbing pieces of tissues to stop the bleeding. Once it stopped I dressed into my sleeping clothes about to go to bed but as I changed more, new bruises formed on me. I went on to my bed wrapping myself in the thin, soft fabric. Slowly drifting off to bed.

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