Chapter 7: The Hunter, Psycho, and Assassin

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I tried to clear my head as I walked, but I couldn't quite thinking about how soft Max's skin had felt against my lips and how much I craved it again. He was my life source. Somehow while I was lost in thought, I had made it pretty far away from camp. I didn't know where I was or how I'd gotten here. It seemed to be easier to get lost lately.

I looked up and there was a girl right in front of me. She asked, "Who are you?"

"Cassia..." I told the woman. She had brown hair with a hint of red, natural highlights. Her skin was tan but she still held that pale aspect. And I couldn't help but notice how beautiful her dark green eyes were.

"How did you find yourself here, Cassia?" she asked me nervously.

"I don't know. A guy told me to-"

"Be more specific. I know a lot of guys. Not exactly personally, but..." She trailed off at the end. I was pretty sure the last part was mostly for herself.


"Max," she mumbled under her breath as if remembering some detail about him.

"He told me to find these three people, and-"

"Again, girl. Be more specific."

"The Hunter, Psycho, and Assassin."

"Follow me." Without any hesitation, she jumped up and disappeared. I was left confused as ever, but followed her lead anyway. There was a whole house up there. Three people in the living room (or at least that what it appeared to be): the girl I'd met just a few seconds ago, another girl I'd never seen, and a guy who was a complete stranger. The girl had black hair and pale skin. Her eyes were a pale black color but not quite gray. She seemed mysterious, dangerous, and lethal all at the same time. The guy seemed overly excited and insane. He had blonde hair and melted chocolate eyes. His face showed everything I was ever brought up to stay away from: mischievous and secretive.

"Who are you people?" I blurted.

"I am the Hunter. The girl in the corner is the Assassin, and the one who is stuffing himself with bombs is the Psycho," the girl with magnificent green eyes explained.

"So you're the ones!" I seemed to scream.

"Yes. Now, onto a more important topic. You are crushing on him!" The Hunter pressed me for information.

"Ummm...sure...?" I replied hesitantly.

"Come one. He's hot, and we all know it!"

"Yes. He is, and I am crushing on him."

"You need lessons on how to get the guy!" the Hunter said cheerfully. She seemed chipper, but I could tell this wasn't her all the time.

"Okay...? I guess I might." To be honest, I didn't exactly feel comfortable around these three. They had only just met me, and now one wants to give me lessons of how to get...a guy...? Tell me that isn't weird.

"Well, we'll have to do that later, but right now, you need some sleep." The Hunter's voice changed from happy and cheerful to relaxed and urging. I did as she said, but I couldn't sleep. Max was out there somewhere possibly still fighting either way he was at risk of dying and it didn't even look as if he cared that I would be miserable. I didn't even know much about him but I still cared for him. I still had that crush that wasn't so secret anymore.

By some miracle, all of my thought out me to sleep. But that didn't mean I was at peace.

"Max, wait! Don't do it!" He was standing there with a gun pointed at someone across the field. She seemed innocent. In fact, I know she's innocent. How? Where did that information come from? I Really don't know. Next thing I knew, Max had pulled the trigger and the girl lie dead on the ground. Something told me it wasn't real, but it looked real. It felt real. It must have been real. Max ran towards me. It seemed that he was going to run and hugs me in his arms and tell him it wasn't real. It was only our imagination, but he pointed gun at me abruptly and shot at my throat. It couldn't breathe. Everything was burning. My lungs, my head, everything. Then I noticed I couldn't feel any of it. It had just...happened. He ran off and left me to die though I wasn't completely convinced I was going to. Nothing felt real!

I awoke with a start. The Hunter was shaking me awake. I immediately though something was wrong. "Get up! You have a visitor." She winked at me to indicate it was someone special. I got up, slipped my hoodie over my tank, and walked out of the room. The Psycho was eating bombs again. It just occurred to me how weird that is!

"Is that okay for him. He's gonna blow up," I widowers to the Psycho.

"Yeah. He'll be fine, but only he can do it. Don't try!"

"JUST JUMP!" the Psycho screamed at me. I listened to him without thinking and jumped down from the...tree house? I guess.

The only good part about the situation that followed was that I landed safely and Max was there.
The Bad Parts: (I'll just name a few to start)
Max seemed mad but still bored
It was still slightly dark
We were in the middle of a forest and I still don't know if he's really on my side.
The only thing I could think about is how he killed that girl in my dream.

"You listened for once," he said with a hint of sarcasm.

"For once?!" I yelled back at him.

"Well, you don't exactly listen most of the time."

"You haven't even known me that long."

"Exactly. Why are you going and kissing me?!"

"I-it felt right..." I said with much hesitation.

"Yeah. Whatever. Just stay here and don't move until I come back."

"Yes sir." I added a whole lot of hesitation into my voice. He stayed silent. "So, are you gonna die this time around?"

"I'm not planning on it, but I make no promises." I gave him a sad look and jumped back up to the tree with the invisible house. The Assassin looked like she wanted to say something when she first saw me, but changed her mind when she saw the expression my face held. I slowly walked back to the room I was currently staying in and even though it was early in the morning, I decided to cry myself to sleep. The pain of his fussing hurt. It reminded me of my parents and that's what ultimately made me pass out in the bed.

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