Chapter 4: The Incident

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"Wake up. Training starts today," said a voice above me. I glance up to find Max shaking me awake.

"Did you sleep outside?" I asked in a groggy tone.

"I never sleep in here. Now, get up."

"Fine." He left the cabin as I got up to get ready. Apparently, I had fallen asleep in my clothes and they were my only clothes.

I walked out the door and saw a group of people standing around Max. It was noisy in the morning. Walking over to the group, I realized that this was training.

Max handed me a gun as well as everyone else.

"Stand with a strong base!" He walked around observing everyone's stance, but when he got to me, he pause and pushed me slightly. I fell to the ground as people stared and some even snickered. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I blushed. "That, everyone, is how you do not stand." That is when anyone who had been able to control laughter before erupted into uncontrollable laughing fits. I blushed an even deeper shade of red, but I wasn't going to leave and look like I couldn't handle that. I would have to be strong. I could not show a weakness to these people.

Max told us all to shoot the targets at the end with thee guns he had given us earlier. Let's just say, I looked like the "best fighter ever". That was just dripping with sarcasm for you who didn't get it.

Needless to say, training was a nightmare, so to escape it all, I cantered into the forest that surrounded the camp.

Maybe 10 minutes passed before I was being drives by about 20 guys.

"Hi!" I said enthusiastically. "What are you doing here?" I was basically treating them like they were long lost friends of mine. It sort of threw them off too.

Pointing a gun at me, who appeared to be the leader walked up to me, pinning me down. He smiled, probably thinking about how fun it would be to see me die. I was terrified on the inside.

"You are of no use to this place. We have to earn our spot here by making Alpha happy, and when we kill you, he will realized he had no use for you anyway." the guy brought out a knife a stick up to my neck without ever moving the gun from my head.

Suddenly, someone came from nowhere and said, "Leave her alone, guys. You don't want to do this."

The one pinning me down glanced over at the voice that belonged to Max.

"Why not?" he said with a smug look on his face. All of the sudden the fist pinch was thrown by Max. The fight had begun.

Max won the fight, and disappeared through the trees. The guys surrounding me scattered for a fear he'd come back. For that second, I was safe.

To avoid anymore trouble, I walked back to camp and Alpha was on the stage holding Max there by his t-shirt.

"You know you should not have interfered in that fight!" Alpha announced to the crowd that had formed.

"Sir, did you want here to die after being here two days?" Max seemed to be correcting Alpha.

"Fights should be worked out among the people they are between with no external involvement!"

"Yes, sir."

"You shall be punished." Alpha then pulled out a gun and shot Max in the stomach area twice and his left leg once. I had to restrain myself from screaming as he limped off out into the thinner woods.

Once the crowd had cleared, I raced off after Max.

He was lying on a rock near the edge of a lake. I walked over to him.

"I'm sorry," I told him.

"No. It's not your fault. He's right. I shouldn't have interfered."

"But you saved me?" He didn't respond.

"You sure you're ok?"

"Course. we better be getting back before Alpha gets mad again." He got up, and put his hand over his stomach wounds.


"Fine. I'm fine."

We walked back to camp together. Well, Max limped and I walked.

Max walked back to his cabin and I followed him. He sat outside and I walked in.

Taking one look at the bed reminded me how tired I really was. I collapsed on the bed and fell into deep sleep.

I will add a picture later.

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