Prologue: Her Past

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(A/N: Here, murder is not really a crime, and if you are wanted then people want you dead. There is no real police force. Only really rich people own cars. There are very few cars in the world. If you want a more in depth explanation, you can PM me and I'll explain where this came from.)

"I love you. You know that right?" asked my boyfriend, Ethan.

"Of course. And I love you, too. Why do you say this now?" I reply.

"I just want to make sure. I don't feel like I say it enough." He looked down. I didn't feel like he was telling me the whole truth, but I wasn't going to push it.

We spent the rest of the car ride home in silence. I was way past my curfew, but I didn't care. My night with Ethan was perfect!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"You are in big trouble!" My dad screamed at me like I had killed my brother, Caleb, or my sister, Emma Brooke. I knew I would have to pay the consequences for being late, but I say it was worth it. Ethan was always romantic when we went out.

"There will be no leaving this house for two weeks! You blatantly disobeyed me!" I didn't imagine my dad being this mad. He was serious about this. There was no hint of playfulness. It was purely discipline.

"Hi, Mr. Jackson," Ethan said quietly.

"Hello, Ethan. You got my daughter home late. This is your first time, so I'll let it go. Just remember, from now on I will notify your parents.

"Yes sir." I could tell he was nervous by the way he stood. He held his head down slightly and his back was straight. I never saw him like this.

"Ethan? Do you think you could leave my father and I alone?" I asked him.

"Oh. Sure. Bye, Cassia," he told me.

"Bye, Ethan," I said sadly.

After he left, my father said, "Go to your room now! I don't want to hear another word from you until morning!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I heard screaming downstairs from my parents room. They were going at it again. Something told me they were going to get divorced before the end of the week.

I flopped onto my bed, and sobbed into my pillow.

Then there was a knock on my window. It made me jump out of my bed and grab my knife. Yes. It was a real knife that was used for fighting in battles not a knife to cut your food. I had been trained with them all my life. I had to say, I do pretty well with them.

Ethan was sitting on my roof with his hands in the air as if to say, I surrender. I sighed, put down my knife, and walked over to open my window.

"You can't be here!" I said in a whispery yell.

"I couldn't leave you here without telling you goodbye properly."

"What do you-"

Ethan cut me off with a kiss. We sat there until I finally pulled away.

"Ethan. We can't. Not when my dad has me grounded."

"I know. I'm sorry. What's going on down there?"

"Don't worry about it. You have to go."

"Fine." He gave me a peck on my lips and hopped out the window."

"Bye, Ethan." I knew he couldn't hear me, but I couldn't just say nothing.

I was in a trance as I watched him walk down our dirt driveway.

The slam of a door downstairs broke me out of it. "YOU CAN SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT, BUT PLEASE REMEMBER WE HAVE KIDS WHO CARE DEEPLY ABOUT US!" My mother screamed.

My dad yelled out in his rage, and stomped up the stairs. He opened my door quietly as if nothing had happened downstairs. The only thing that gave it away was the redness of his face. "I will be sleeping upstairs, tonight."

Once he shut the door and I heard his door close, I cried. There was no one who could comfort me anymore. My best friend, Delilah, could keep me under control, but then she died and that just add to the sorrow of my parents.

"Hey. You ok?" I heard Caleb's voice through the door.

I got up and cracked the door, but after a few seconds opened it wide enough so he could see me. "Caleb..."

He hugged me tightly, and I cried on his shoulder. "Come here," he said after he let go of me. Even though my dad told me to stay in my room, I went.

He took me to his room and sat in his bed. He gestured for me to sit next to him. "Sleep in here tonight, Cassia."

"Thank you." I had barely managed to get those words out through the sobs I was holding back.

"They are going to be fine. It will be ok."

"It will not, Caleb. you just won't admit it for my sake."

For a second a saw a tear slip from his eye before he wiped it away.

"You can cry. It's ok." He wouldn't give in. He was always the strong one out of the three of us. He had to be.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I woke up, and saw the light flooding into my room from the window. I had moved back into my room somehow last night.

A cry of pain came from downstairs. I rushed down the steps after grabbing my knife in its holster.

I saw Ethan in the kitchen with a cut running down his neck all the way to his lower back.

"Ethan!" I yelped. Then I saw my brother holding his favorite knife and his gun slung over his shoulder, not even acknowledging my presence. Before I could comprehend it, my brother had shot my boyfriend.

I couldn't control myself enough to realize what I was doing when I had made a gash over my brother's heart, killing him.

We locked eyes on his way down to the floor.

"Cassia? What did you do?" asked Emma Brooke.

"Emmy, I can explain." She had run outside and I couldn't do anything but cry.

"Mom! Dad!" No one came. I ran into my mother's room with my hands soaked in Caleb's blood. She wasn't there, so I sprinted up the stairs and threw the spare bedroom's door open only to find my dad had also disappeared.

I ventured outside to look, but there was no trace of life.

I walked back inside and collapsed on my brother's body. I hadn't wanted to kill him, but I couldn't change it now.

After a few hours, I dragged my lifeless body out to the stream to rinse off Caleb's blood. I discovered my exhaustion while lying in the stream.

I decided to sleep in Caleb's bed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell into deep sleep.


Feel free to comment. Please don't cuss or talk about inappropriate things. That is my only request.
Thanks. I will try to update as often as I can but I have exams coming up and I will be busy. I will still try my best, though.

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