Chapter 3: The Party

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A/N: (I do truly apologize for the wait. I have no excuse cause I am on Christmas break so I should have plenty of time. I just can't force myself to write. Again, sorry but enjoy.)

It was awkward standing there among the close knit friends.

"So," I said just to try make it less awkward, but I completely failed at the task.

"Oh. Right," Meredith said. "This is Sarah." She pointed at the blond girl. "He is Zachary." Then she pointed at the brown haired boy. "Zachary, Sarah, this is Cassia. Mind if she hangs out with us, Max?"

Max shrugged and shook his head as if saying, Sure. I don't care.

"Yea!" Meredith screamed.

Sarah and Zachary looked at me, but turned away when people started screaming Max's name from the dance floor.

"You know how to dance?" I asked Max.

"I guess that's my cue." Max flashed a devious smile.

He started dancing in the middle of the large crowd. I can't tell you exactly what he was doing, because I couldn't see very clearly over the heads. I hate being short!

When he was done, everyone clapped and screamed in praise. Max walked over to the chocolate table and started eating it. He looked drunk. Apparently he hates chocolate though. A little birdie (*cough, cough* Meredith) told me. Why he eats it, I may never know.

I walked to a tree and leaned on it mostly because Meredith was the only one who was paying me any attention. Zachary had said some things to me but the conversations were very laconic.

"You ok? You disappeared." I looked up and saw Max.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Max didn't looked very convinced. He must be able to detect lies really well, but he let it go anyway. Alpha walked up to Max and said, "Light 'em up."

Max nodded and signaled for me to follow him.

"Wait here," he said once we got to a certain spot. Max ran around lighting fireworks in a specific order and waiting specific times before lighting the next. After he was done he took me to the edge of the forest and sat down, so I sat beside him. We sat and watched the fireworks under the night sky. My heart was racing. Then he pulled close enough to him so he could block the things that fall from fireworks. He was warm. I knew I couldn't have him probably ever, but I wanted him for two reasons. I liked him and he could protect me. The training I have had from my parents is limited and there is no way I could win against anyone in hand to hand combat. He could. I knew he could.

When the fireworks were over, Max took me back to the party. It was dying down slightly now as people returned to their cabins. Meredith and Zachary had disappeared as well. There were still about a hundred people there. That would be less than half, maybe a third. I couldn't tell.

"You need a place to stay," Max muttered mostly to himself. He walked into a cabin and said, "This is my cabin, so sleep in that bed." I was pretty sure my heart skipped a beat. His cabin? I'm sleeping in his cabin?!

Walking to the bed, I did my best to remain calm on the outside, but as soon as he left, a huge smile broke out on my face.

Despite feeling extra excited, I laid down and fell asleep without a second thought.

I know it's super short. I'm sorry. I just wanted to get something out there but I think this is enough. I'll try and work on the next chapter really soon for ya'll. Bye for now though.

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