Just shut up. (ch.1)

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Ah school. The place where hormonal teenagers flock unwillingly. Well not all there's that nerd in my 3rd hour, whose so freaking giddy all the time it makes you want too.... Too.. Grab a shovel and dig a hole, then through your cat in it. Yeah that's a good enough metaphor.

As you can see from my amazing poetry skills I do amazing in school. Who am I kidding I suck. My average is a C. Boom! Smell the roses Jackie Chan.

But yeah you get my drift on school. Wracking my brain back to those of the sleep deprived I focused on the task at hand.

"Ok class what is 2+2?" Mr. Jensen asked.

Yes! I know this one. I waved my hand like I was at the beach drowning in the water. Oh maybe then a hot lifeguard could come save me and I could fall "unconscious" and he'd have to give me mouth to mouth.

"Yes Hannah" he sighed out. Well isn't he a pocket full of sunshine! Pssht who am I kidding he makes Scrooge seem like a saint.

"6!" I had the cat in the bag!

Mr. Jensen face started to turn red. To think a 17 year old girl like moi would know what 2+2 is. I do. It's just that 6 is my favorite number. Hannah loves 6!

Jensen slowly grinded his teeth together. "No Hannah it is not 6. The answer is 4."

I snorted at his answer and went back to la-la land. Did you know Llamas are able to lick their nose? Well yeah they can, cool right?

I wrinkled my nose as rotten eggs and other foul stanches slowly suffocated me.

"Jimmy! Ewww! What did I tell you about eating deli for breakfast?"

He looked down at the hands in his lap. "That it will give me gas?"

I nodded my head, turn back to face the front. My friend Cassie looked at me and got scared. Why? The evil glint in my eye... Lets just say I interrupt class often. I'm not the class clown per say, but pretty close to it.

I pulled out my iPad. Yeah I know right a freaking iPad! And went onto YouTube. Man the school needs to lock their Internet better than they do currently.

I lanced quickly at the suggested for you section and saw an awesome video. A flippin' cat video that's what! I will watch that later. In the search bar my fingers quietly tap on the screen inputting the name. Mwhahahaha this is going to be good.

Have you ever heard of the Harlem Shake? Well let me explain it to you though the intro it's just this one person dancing when the beat drops everyone joins in so yeah let's see how this goes.

I pressed play and blasted the sound. I started out with my signature move that I'm famous for. Screw in the light bulb while patting the dog. Heck yeah I got mad dance skills.

I glanced over at Cassie who shook her head in dismay her curls bouncing back and forth. "And do the Harlem Shake." The deep voice reverberated through the room soon half the class joined in then slowly everyone else did.

Cassie gaped at me. "Come on magical unicorn that will fly us of to the land of Hogwarts. Dance with me," giggling she took my hand and stood on her desk doing the sprinkler.

Walking on the desks I was still doing my signature move. High fiving people as I went. Yeah the classroom is cramped so all the desk are very close.

Obviously Mr. poopy pants gave up, because he just shut his eyes and sat on his desk chair with.

When the song ended everyone just sat back in their desks doing tonight's math homework. Maybe I should follow? You know lead by example. Who am I kidding I'm not going to do that.

The bell rang signaling the end of class. I raced out of there waiting for my phone call from my best friends who were twins, Mike and Jake. They recently moved to England, I've missed them severely. Like Elmo would miss Dory his fish. At least I thinks its name is Dory... I'll just google it later.

My phone blasted out One Directions chorus to What Makes You Beautiful. Yes I am a "Directioner." like seriously they are five hot guys, with good looking bodies, and can sing. Can someone say Life Alert?


"Hannah!" I winced pulling the phone away from my ear.

"Hey there boys."

"What you doing?" Jake asked.

"Harlem Shake" I monotoned. "Let me guesse Mike is eating?"

"Yeah speaking of... Hold on a sec.." his voice drifted off but I still listened in.

"Mike what's all over my Gym bag. Oh God I touched it!" I heard Jake shriek. I muffled my laughter.

"Well I threw up at the gym.." I found it getting harder not to laugh.

"Why is it blue?" Jake yelled getting pissed.

"I had a cupcake before I went. It didn't settle good with my tummy."

"That's freaking disgusting. God I touched it too. Mike..." Jake growled. I clutched my stomach sneering at a girl who was glaring at me. What, never seen someone trying to hold in their laughter before?

"You're killing my self esteem!" Mike yelled back.

I couldn't cold it in any longer I burst out laughing.

"Sorry Hannah I will have to call you back later. Ok?"

I grunted out an ok before I disconnected. Man I couldn't wait till this summer to visit them. Fun part? I'm dragging Cassie with me!

Let me tell you it took a lot of work to convince her but I did. Mad ninja skills!

I leaned back wiping the tears from under my eyes I looked at the beige walls, white tiled floor. Nope not going t miss this place.

Straightning out my Nike "Just Do It" shirt and brushing of my legs, I held my head high and walked to English.

I glanced around the spacious room walking to my desk. Soon as I sat down Mrs. Rengo told the class to watch the news. Just as her eyes met mine I smiled deviously. This is going to be fun. I leaned over thou-who-shall-not-be-named and whispered to Cassie. Yup she and I have almost every class together.

"You up for a serious game of poker?" I asked her pulling out my deck of cards from my back pack. I waved them in front of her face watching her hazel eyes follow them. Believe it or not little miss goody two shoes is amazing at poker.

My smile from my lips as she shook her head in a firm no.

"Please?" I begged getting down in my knees in front of her. " I will get Will to play." I wiggled my eyebrows at her pulling her in to my trap. Did I say trap I meant plan.

"Fine I will, but just shut up." she grunted sliding down in her seat.

I jumped up "Yes! Now who wants to play poker?" several hands went up including Will's.

"Sweet. It's on like Donkey Kong." I just smirked. Totally forgetting about "shutting up

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