Llama King introductions. (ch.4)

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Hannah's pov

I looked out the window at the passing white clouds. Oh look a llama. I will not converse with those... Those... Jerk-faced-llamas.

Yeah and the guy sitting next to me is the head Llama.

Hey shouldn't they have taken off their sun glasses by now? I tapped head llama on the shoulder. "You know we are now on the plane. There is no need to be wearing sunglasses on board. I mean like seriously, you guys are suspicious...?" I trailed off in thought.

Wait they couldn't be! Could they? Oh my gosh they are! That could explain their behavior! I unbuckled my seat and leaned over head llama to whisper to Cassie.

"Mother of a goat! Cassie we are going to die!" I panicked.

"What's wrong now?"

"What's wrong?! How could you not see you are suppose to be the smart one out of us. They.... they.... they are... they are terrorists!"

The guy in the orange sweatshirt bolted up wide awake and started screaming the terrorists are coming to town. Weird boy....

So while he screamed, I felt like I had to join in to. I didn't know what to scream so I sang the duck song.

Yes there is a duck song.

"A duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand 'hey'bummpapabumm 'Got any grapes?'"

Everyone shut up and stared at me. What do I have something on my face. Could it be the syrup from the waffles I had for breakfast? Speaking of......

"Do you like waffles?

Yeah we like waffles!

Do you like pancakes?

Yeah we like pancakes!

Do you like French toast?

Yeah we like French toast!

Do do do cant wait to get a mouth full... WAFFELS!" I kept humming along. Then that creepy flight lady came up.

"Would you like me to sedate your friend there?" she said asking Cassie while gesturing to me.

No. Don't do it Cassie. I won't share my Oreos with you anymore.

"Yes, please." Damn. No Oreos for you my friend. For you have joined the dark side.

OH HE'LL NAWWWW! Is she sticking that needle in me. I grabbed onto the closest person which so happened to be llama king.

"Llama King HELP MEEEEEE! The psychotic bitch wants to kill me!" I whined, holding on to his arm tightly. Sorry if you get bruises.

"Sure." He then flipped me and held me still.

"I thought we were friends! Now you have caused a war with the alpaca queen! You stupid llama king! We will hunt your fortress down then.... Then..... Then we will."

I couldn't finish my sentence as drowsiness took over. Colorful swirls started to dance around my head.

"You know what. I'm going to take a nap." I snuggled deeper into my betrayers arms, not really caring. Oh well.

Before I drifted off I heard Cassie mention two words I loved to hear. One direction. But damn did I want to eat those swirls... They looked magically delicious!

Cassie's pov

I chuckled as Hannah cuddled into Liam more. Yes be surprised, I know their names not that hard, since they are her favorite band.

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