Karate and Ed (ch.13)

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Unknown pov's

Ahhhh I thought as I checked my phone. I looked down at the screen glancing at the picture Harry Styles just posted on twitter.

There was a picture of him with his arm wrapped around a girl. "First Date!" the caption read. They looked so happy. This chick got to play laser tag with THE Harry Styles. I scoffed.

Sad thing is I know this girl quite well. I checked my watch. I smirked one last time at the phone screen before shutting it off. Time to head to Karate class.

Hannah's Pov

Yesterday was so much fun. Harry took me to an arcade. I had a blast. Harry was pouting for a good ten minutes since he lost at laser tag against me. So to cheer him up I took him to the Dairy Queen next door of the arcade.

I smiled to myself remembering the date. I was taken out of my trance when the bells chimed above the door way to signal that students were coming in.

A girl ran in. She threw her bag to the side and glided towards me and smiled.She stopped in front of me out of breath.

"Breath in and out Camille. In and out." I placed my hand on her back and did the breathing exercises with her.

She pushed her long dirty blonde hair behind her ears, then stood straight and faced me with a smile. I looked in her hazel eyes to see them twinkling in question.

"Is it true that you went out with Harry?"

"From Hogwarts?" I cocked my head to the side.

"No the one from the famous boy band One Direction."

I nodded my head. A smile broke out across my face. "Yeah I did."

"Oh My gosh really?"

"Yup." I said popping the p.

"How wa-" She got cut off as the bells chimed signaling another person coming to class.

"Caitlyn. It is now four minutes to class. What time are you suppose to be here by?" I asked her.

"Ten minutes before class starts to warm up." she said taking off her skater shoes and placing them next to her skateboard. "Also Hannah its Cat."

"Like the animal?" Camille said cocking her head to the side in question.

"Yes my parents are crazy cat people so they decided to name after a cat. Thus my name is just Cat."

"Carly you were late so add an extra twenty push-ups to the normal amount.'

"Yes ma'am. And its Cat." She stated to walking to the corner of the room.

"Also pull that ginger fringe out of your brown eyes. The same goes for you Camille." They did as I told.

Soon the rest of the class came in late also. I tsked and sent them to do their warm-ups. I only added an extra 40. Eh they will get over it soon.

I clapped my hands together. "Ok class cause most of you were late today we will be doing take downs."

"Which ones?" a kid with glasses asked me. I glared at him.

"Ma'am." I smiled. I will not be disrespected in my class sessions.

"The ones where I get to flip you guys of course. First one to get out of my hold doesn't have to do warm-ups next week." A murmur rose through the crowd.

I stepped into the red circle. "Who is up first?"


Ed's Pov ( how I missed my dear Elliot) (Will use in the future)

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