Married to Oreos. (ch.7)

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Hannah's pov

I lifted my eyelids, soon to cover them back from the sunlight streaming through the window.. "Ah the light!" I screamed cowering into the couch.

Foot steps pounded nearby. I am in unfamiliar territory. Have I been kidnapped? Yes. Yes I have.

I swung my head from left to right gathering an escape route. I was in a living room on a decent size couch. Therese was a kitchen to my right a bathroom to my left and a couple of hallways. The footsteps were currently approaching from the hallway.

I tossed the Barney blanket off me and rolled over the couch. Dude! I could be a ninja! Hi-ya!

I popped my head over the couch to see a silhouette against the windows. "Meep!"

I bent back down to my knees. Ok I can do this. Hannah you are the NINJA!!!!!

"Hannah come out from behind the couch." The voice echoed in the room. Hell no he might try to rape me. Where was Jake when I needed him? Let alone where is Cassie?

The footsteps neared the couch. I jumped up and screamed, grabbing a pillow from the couch and whacking my perpetrator in the head. He fell to the ground with a thud. I hit him once again before taking off towards the door.

I oped the door and looked around. Ah an elevator! No to obvious. Stairs! It's the stairway to heaven! I pulled the door open and hauled ass down them. Can't catch me alive coppers! Mwhahahaha. Speaking of, maybe I should call someone for help. Not the cops cause I don't know if I'm in America anymore.

I pulled out my phone as I exited the building.

"Hannah! Get back here!" Holy crap he knows my name! Who told him? If I find you I will send my leprechaun minions after you. Beware!

I ran to the nearest store at full speed. Once I was inside I let out a breath. I ducked down as he and two others ran past yelling out my name. Stage one. Cleared!

I glanced down at my phone scrolling through who to call. Mom? Nope. Dad? Give me a break. Cassie? She'd just scold me forgetting kidnapped. Jake and Mike? Ehhhhh..... Probably could beat the kidnappers ass. I was about to click I. Their number when my phone rang.

Who the hell is Perrie?

"Hello?" I asked curiously.

"Hannah? What's up my and the girls are going out shopping and were wondering if you want to come with." Her voice sounded familiar like I met her before. Is it me or does anyone else love her voice when she speaks. That accent. I bet she has a super hot boyfriend....

"Uh sure.... I'm at this instrument store somewhere...." I trailed off looking around.

"Why are you aroun- hold on a sec." I heard some rustling the. Some arguing.

"Let me talk to her!" a voice added.

"Could I please, before her?" another voice said.

"I'm currently on the phone with her!"

"So..." voice two stated.

"Puh-leez! We all know she likes me the best!" Perrie said.

"Well our hair matches! Because it's curly!"

"It would be if you would quit straightening it!" Perrie snapped back.

A gasp was heard through the phone. "Hurtful!" Then it sounded like some one was grabbing the phone.

"Sorry about them the bicker often."

Ah she sounded cute! "Eh it's ok... Who am I speaking to?"

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