I don't wanna..... (ch.2)

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Oh my freaking gosh. I am dieing. This is it my final goodbye. May the lord take my soul to the land of gumdrops and rainbows.

"Hannah get your lazy buttocks off the desk! The final bell has rang, and I would like to actually get home on time for once in my life, since you drive like an old man!" Ah Cassie how you are my lovely guardian angle.

"Yes my dear Guardian, we do not want God to be angered with you. For you have done nothing but good deeds! Catch me as I fall!" I fell back than landed with a thump on my back.

"Ow! The heck!" I sat up wincing as a sharp pain went up my spine. Damn you Barney I thought you were going to be there for me when I was hurt.

"Great friend you are." I muttered. All she did was smirk. That's right smirk at the Heart Queen. Your head will be off soon. Mwhahahaha *cough cough*.

Prancing to my locker with Cassie following like a lost duck I belted out the lyrics to What Makes You Beautiful.

What makes me beautiful? I don't know I mean come on I'm probably average-ish.

Me and Cassie are both bi-racial. But she is much more beautiful than me. Her hair is pure black. Where as I have many different hair colors in my head. Its mostly dark brown but with highlights of dark red an black. There's even this weird golden streak that only comes out durning summer.

She has a dancers body, but worked really hard for it. Like she watches what she eats and works out 5 days a week.

I very lean. How there world may never know. People say I eat like a horse which is probably true, but I cant help it if I have a high metabolism. Hannah loves food!!!!!!

Speaking of food. "Cassie get your your booty moving! Hannah wants food." I screamed at her running to my truck in the back of the parking lot.

I unlocked my Ford F-150. Yes I have a truck and wouldn't want it any other way.

Cassie jumped in the sighed. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and cue..."

"Oh I just wanna take you anywhere that you like! We could go out any day any night!" I belted out the lyrics to kiss you with Zayn. Oh God Zayn know how to rock a quiff. And he is very very very attractive. Like yuuuuuummm. But, because he is dating Perrie our love will never happen. Don't get me wrong or any thing. Before I knew about One Diection I knew about Little MIx and Perrie.

If I wasn't straight I'd go for Perrie. Omg fangirl moment as I think about meeting Perrie and the rest of Little Mix.

The rest of the girlfriends are just lovely. If only I could meet them... Cue dramatic sigh here.

I pulled up on Cassie's driveway and motioned for her to exit. She stopped and turned to me before opening the door.

"Hannah have you packed yet?" Ah Willy Wonka I knew I forgot something.

"Pssht... Me? Of course."

"You haven't have you?"

"Nope, not at all." I shook my head.

"We leave in two days to London and you haven't even pack a thing?"

"I got the suitcases from under the stairs."

"Doesn't count so hurry up. Tommorow is the last day of Junior year then we are off to London then coming back to our Senior year. Get you act together."

"Yeah. Yeah. That's what my mom says. Do I listen to her? No. I will get to it." I waved my hand in dismissal.

"Procrastinatior." Then she just slamed the door shut and stomped up her steps. Oh hell nah! she did not just get the last word in. Sass-Missy is coming out. I pulled my keys out of my car. I glared at her door willing it ooen with my mind powers. Nope don't got any as I slammed face first into it. I grumbled and opened the door.

Man her house is quite without her 7 other siblings running amock in the house. I know right 7! I shook my head. Get back on task Hannah!Oh look there's her phone I will put that in safe keeping. Ha Ha. I stuffed it in my coat pocket.

Walking up her her stairs I stormed into her room. I stopped dead in my spot glancing around her room. "Make over?" I asked. Paint in all colors was splattered all over her walls.

"No. My siblinings thought it would be fun to have a paint fight, in my room." she just glared at the black spot. How happy I am that I'm not that spot. Back on track Hannah! Obama would not be happy.

"You can never have the last word in! For I am the Batman!!!!!!"

"Don't you have karate in 15 minutes?"

"Shoot." I muttered. Hauling my ass out of there quickly as possible. I started the car and drove off speeding for once in my life. Nothing gets between me and my martial arts! I've been in it since I was 4. I was black belt by the age of 9. Never lost a fight, and got mostly 2nd in form.

I screeched into the parking lot, cutting Harry's solo short and jumpe dout the car and grabbed my bag.

"Sorry, Sir. I was a tad busy. Its fine but the class you are suppose to be teaching is waiting on you." I just nodded my head in respect to Mr. Worely. He's a freaking d10th degree black belt and is like a god! Me? Im only 3rd degree black belt but started testing for 4th.

Running to the changing rooms I changed into my uniform and pulled my belt tight around my waist, and pulled my curly waist length locks away from my face in a messy bun. Time to get this show in the road. Heh like Chuck Norris.

********* 2 hOURS LATER ***********

I walked to my room dropping my bag on my floor and headed to the attached bathroom. Shower time.

Once I lathered my curly hair i towel dried my hair. If I blowed dryed it, it would be afro city. Sho yeah don't do that. I frenched braided it to the left.

I threw on my Little Mix tee-shirt, and short shorts. Ah I noticed all the bags on my bed.

"Hannah!" my mom yelled. "Pack up your stuff tonight!"

"I don't wanna.... It takes so much work" I moaned.

"Do it!"

Oh snap the mothely command that my mother gave out are over powering my poor soul. Must fight it.. Can't... Must...

"Do it or I will take away June."

Damn her for knowing my weaknesses. She will never touch my beloveded I pad. Well looks like its time to pack. Then do all the homework thats due tomorrow. Who am I kidding I'm not going to do my homework.

If only my magical off-spring of a llama and a unicorn Janet was hee to help me pack. But she left me the other day to run away for a frog. pssht who needs her when I have Kevin. Yes I know I like to name things and Kevin is my stuffed, orange teddy bear.

"Come on Kevin we got packing to do."

"Stop talking to yourself. Its a stupid bear."

"Kevin is alive. Therefore he has feelings too."

"What ever physco."

Ah thats my loving mother calling me physco. That's how close we are.


Hello fellow readers! on the side is Alexandra Ship. I'm kind of thinking she would be good to play Hannah. Or maybe Cassie since Hannah an Cassie look alike. What you think? p.s. I like tacos. And One Direction.





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