Mint Scented Hair (ch.17)

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Harry's pov

I was getting pushed to the limit. Jake kept making comments to Hannah and touching her. Like stop twirling her hair around your finger. That's my job! I locked eyes with Hannah in the mirror, she smiled at me I sent a tiny one back.

"Hannah I love your hair it's just so curly." The jerk said.

"Thanks. I condition it with conditioner." She responded.

'It smells very nice also what's the scent?"

"Mint. She loves the smell of mint. Her favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip." I answered for her. She grinned at me. I winked back at her.

"Whatever. I want to change your name in my phone the the Beautiful one. What do you think?" He asked touching her shoulder.

"I think the name Hannah would work just as good."

"Ok how about gorgeous!"

"Hannah works."

"How about crazy?" Now that was just rude.

"No what I actually hate that. Just because I have a weird addiction does not mean I am a crazy girl."

I raised my hand. "I'm with her I really don't like my girlfriend being called crazy."

She blew me a kiss in the mirror which I caught and fake sighed. Gosh how I love her.

Jake noticed this and grabbed her chin turning her face towards him. I gripped the edge of my seat. I was about to blow. Luckily before that happened the car pulled up in front of an ice cream parlor. I exited the car waiting for Hannah to come around. Jake stepped out beside me and smiled. The jerk had the nerve to smile at me!

My glare was soon wiped away when Hannah came skipping past us to the ice cream shop. Jake ran up to her and slid his arm around her. I started to see red.

"Take your hands off her." I stormed up and threw his arm off her shoulder and pushed her behind me.

"Whoa bro calm down!" Jack or whatever said raising his hands taking a step back.

"Ugh. Just leave I am in the states to see my girlfriend! Got it?" Jack nodded his head. "Good." I grasped Hannah's hand and dragged her into the ice cream shop. She jerked her hand out of mine and walked upon to the register. "Hannah, listen."

She raised her hand up. "I don't want to hear it right now." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I walked to a table. A couple of little girls walked up and asked for pictures and autographs which I gladly did. I mean we were in a kids ice cream shop. So not really anybody to mob us.

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