chapter 5

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I rushed the dragonets deeper inside quickly. I had heard the sounds of wing beats and strong waves crashing Hard against the cliffs. The sounds that happened when Tidestream's came to attack.

And I really didn't want a remake of what happened to Falcon. He had been so young when the Tidestream's attacked and they had killed him like the rest of my family. My parents had died in a battle before Falcon had hatched I had been only one year old and I didn't remember them all too well.

And then just two years later they came back and killed my brother leaving me with no family at all.

"Buts Robi you says we could go out flying toda" one of the dragonets complained to me.

"I got news it isn't safe today" I reply. I tend to try to keep my frustrations about this stupid war and the stupid Tidestreams out of my voice when speaking to the dragonets, they hadn't done anything wrong they were just born at an horrible time.

"Buts why it nots safe" he asked. He flapped his tiny feathered wings in annoyance.

"Well Hawk, Robin could have seen an strong storm coming in and didn't want you guys to get caught in it." Nest another caretaker came over and spoke to the young dragonet.

Hawk had lost his parents before he had hatched and they were the dragons who took care of me when I was younger so I vowed to protect him with my life and give him a better life. So I had basically adopted him

"Ffffffiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeeee" Hawk grumbled. Shaking his head as he dragged out the word.

Me Nest and a few others took care of the young dragonets especially the ones who didn't have dragons to take care of them already.

"Hey Hawk wanna come hear a story?" Dove asked. She always had an way with the dragonets who were being an problem.

"Yes!" He answered with an high amount of enthusiasm.

"Well then come and sit down and I'll tell you a story" Dove told him.

"Tell us about the dragon who protectet this place" Thrush said.

"About our King?" Dove askes

"Uh I gues" Thrush answered shrugging.

"Okay I'll tell you about how King Crow bravely protected this nursery from the evil Tidestream's" Dove said.

That has always been what we have been told that the Tidestream's were evil and couldn't ever be trusted.

Maybe that'd be differ-no Tidestream's killed innocent dragonets and are the ones who have King Crow imprisoned along with many other Featherscales.

Dove had distracted the dragonets from wanting to go out for a flight I think as I watched the dragonets as they listened to the story and more of the dragonets had came over to listen as well.

I felt a dragonet grab my leg and I turn my head to look down and saw one of the older dragonets stareing up at me.

"Yes Kestrel?" I ask.

"Since we can'ts go outside for flying can wess make flying course in here's" Kestrel asked.

"I'll have to see with Nest and Dove if it's a good idea" Robin answered.

Crane popped her head around the corner.

"We could set up a temporary one and then work on carving out a permanent in one of the spare rooms" Crane suggested.

And then Crane went back to the kitchen.

Kestrel ran over to Dove who was forced on the story she was telling.

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