chapter 24

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Windrider was gliding over the market island

He knew they wouldn't be at the Cometflight mountain nor the arctic islands cause he knew they wouldn't still be there

He just doubted that Evergreen and the others would still be there

The Rosewing Stump's carving shop was doing well

He flew down and perched on Stump's stall

He began cleaning his wings

He had been listening to the conversations of the dragons on the market island but they had mostly been pretty normal for conversations

And honestly they were really interesting compared to birds conversations

All other birds talked about was that they needed to fly south for the winter and how there meals were, and it was boring

"Is that your bird" a TideStream asked

He was tan and blue and his brown horns curved downwards his eyes were mint green

"No he doesn't belong to anyone he just likes to stay with a friend of mine who is not currently here, I'm Stump by the way" Stump answered

"I'm Softshell" the Tidestream replied

"It's nice to meet you Softshell is there anything I can help you with today" Stump asked

"No I was mostly coming over to see what you had for sale" Softshell answered

"Ah okay I can also make you your own unique carving if you would want one" Stump told him

"Good to know" Softshell replied

It seemed as tho this Softshell had a admirer

He was this light brown Tidestream with spots of green here and there

Softshell noticed him

"You need something Cod?" Softshell asked

"NoNoNo nothing I don't need anything. Nothing at all" Cod answered very quickly

He could tell that wasn't true from how quickly he answered

He blushed and ran away quickly

"That...was interesting" Softshell commented

He flew after Cod to see what this unique Tidestream was doing

"Hey Cod" Minnow called out to Cod

"Hi Min" Cod replied

He perched on another stall to watch and listen to there conversation

"Was there something wrong you were running?" Minnow asked

"No not the kind of bad your thinking of" Cod answered

"Oh Cod you gotta tell her" Minnow told him

"Her! It's a him not a her" Cod replied

"Oh...oh my I did not realize that sorry" she apologized

"It's alright you didn't know" Cod replied

"We should probably head back before the Queen thinks we're traitors too" Minnow said

"Alright let's go" Cod replied

And the two Tidestream's dove into the water

He flew off from where he had perched and flew over the market island once again


She walked down the tunnels through the mountain her parents wanted her brother to come to them so she was searching for him

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