chapter 9

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"So you decided you wouldn't tell me you were planning on going to see mom and dad" Mushroom askes.

"Sorry I forgot to." I reply

"I filled Mushroom in on your plan." Windrider stated.

"And I wanted you to come with me." I tell him.

"That's good because if you weren't I followed you." Mushroom replied.

"I know you would so I decide to let you come along." I smile.

"I guess your right I would just follow you if you were planning on heading out to see them." Mushroom agreed.

"What do you mean you guess?" I ask.

"I Uh mean....gotta go." Mushroom rushed past me taking off. I follow him.

"Windrider get her off my tail." Mushroom said.

Windrider only flew back and flew next to me

"Windrider!" Mushroom yelled.

"Yes?" Windrider askes amusement in his voice.

"You were supposed to get her off my tail." Mushroom complained.

"Too bad I don't feel like doing that." Windrider responds.

"You annoying hawk." Mushroom grumbled.

"" Windrider said. He was obviously trying to think of an comeback.

I put on a burst of speed catch up to Mushroom tackling him in the sky.

They fell for a little bit before I pull myself away and flapped my wings to right myself as Mushroom did too a little under me.

I right myself first and flew down and began to fly around Mushroom as he did.

"Took you long enough to right yourself." I comment as he finally righted himself.

"Too bad you annoying salmander." Windrider finally came up with a comeback.

"Windrider!" Mushroom growled and launched himself at the small bird. Well he was at least small compared to dragons to other animals he was big.

Though Windrider dodged the attack quickly flying out of the way and around me till he eventually landed on one of my horns.

"Hey don't drag me into this." I tell him.

"We can if we want to." Windrider replied.

I let myself drop towards the forest then at the last second I spread my wings and glided into the forest.

I had left Mushroom and Windrider in the sky.

Windrider flew down and landed on my wing which so happened to be his favorite perch.


I was walking through the forest.

I hear something move somewhere around me.

So I use the plants to find out where and then I see them it was the Rosewing who looked like lilacs.

"Hello." I call out.

More movement. "How did you I was there?" She asked her wings bristling up slightly.

"I'm a plantseer I saw you through the plants." I answer.

"Oh okay....I'm Lilac you are?" She asked

"Lichen." I answer.

"Hm I can see what inspires your name." Lilac comments.

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