chapter 25

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Okay so this is a shorter one because I wanted a flying kind of chapter in between ch24 and the epilog


She was lounged out on a smooth stone when a huge wave came crashing down

She leapt up scampering back to get out of the waters path

Then taking to the sky

What in the islands of Plaera just happened?

She heard Evergreen and her band of different dragon tribes once again commenting that there Cometflight had seen it coming to dodge it

Maybe she should believe them and whatever controlled the future was punishing her for not believing them

"Alright fine I believe you now" she called to Evergreen

PermaFrost did not look happy, tho it seemed like it was because there Tidestream was bugging him

"You do?!" Evergreen asked

"Yes" PhasesStripe answered

As much as she didn't want to believe it they were telling the truth

"So what do you want me to be doing" She asked the Rosewing

"We want to go to the market island mostly because we ended up losing one of our members so we want to find him again" Evergreen answered

"Alright then let's get this stuff started" PhasesStripe replied

And they decided that they would get to finding them


Evergreen turned her head back to look back at PhasesStripe

Did she really believe them? Evergreen wondered

Niea sat once again on her back

She was surprised that Niea hadn't wanted to be on Aquamarine, her horns were perfect for someone to be on her and hanging onto to her curled horns

Her wings flapped hard in the wind

Would Swoop be doing well with his tribe

She saw the cloaked Winterhorn flying close to the sea

Were they following PermaFrost

"PermaFrost there back" she called to the Winterhorn prince

Who looked down when she spoke

"Why are they still following me?" PermaFrost growled the question

"Sorry Princey I have no idea" Aquamarine answered

"I wasn't asking you, you annoying icicle" PermaFrost yelled

"Why don't you just stop calling her that" PhasesStripe growled to Aquamarine

"I call him whatever I want" Aquamarine replied

Hopefully they would make peace sometime soon

They continued to argue back and forth well they flew

"Enough!" Robin yelled

PhasesStripe Aquamarine and PermaFrost went quiet

"If it continues this way it well never end" she growled to the three arguing dragons

Robin flew up next to Evergreen

"I was sick of them arguing" Robin told her

"Now you get why I didn't ride on Aquamarine" Niea commented

"See no one wanted to deal with there argument" Robin aggred

We'll be back with Windrider soon enough

"Are you excited to be close to home again?" Robin asked

"Yeah I am" Evergreen answered

Gale flew up to her other side

"How are you two...I mean three" Gale asked

"I think we're all three doing good" Evergreen answered

She glanced down the cloaked Winterhorn was still there, there hood had fell off. It seemed like they were a female

"I wonder who that is" Evergreen wondered to herself

"Do not tell me that's Crystal following me I tricked her on when I was leaving" PermaFrost growled

So was that what Crystal really looks like? She wondered

She saw that they were beginning to get close to the market island

"We're getting close" she commented to her three friends

"Yeah we are" Gale aggred

The group ended up falling into an almost quiet flight

She turned her head to see what the trio in the back were doing, PermaFrost and PhasesStripe were chatting happily tho Aquamarine was glaring at PhasesStripe

Did she like PermaFrost?

"So what are we going to do next?" Gale asked

"I think it's pretty obvious we stop the FeatherStream war" Evergreen answered

"I guess it is" Gale aggred "We should get ready for this we don't want to jump in blind and tired" Robin added

She definitely was starting to get tired from this long flight

"This really is quite a long flight" Robin commented

"Nearly as long as the flight from the Cometflight mountain to the arctic islands" Gale aggred

"You flew all that way to find PermaFrost?" Robin asked

"Yeah" Evergreen answered

"And then we flew over to find you" Gale put in

"Why not find PhasesStripe then me?" Robin asked

"PermaFrost's idea" Gale answered

The Winterhorn that had been following them had disappeared from view

ShadowSeeker flew a little above them so she didn't notice he was up there at first

"That what do you think we well need to do next" she asked her three friends she had around her

Robin and Gale didn't seem to have any ideas

"I don't know maybe we're done after that" Niea replied

"Maybe that would be it, and it would be kinda nice to be able to go back to spending time with Swoop" Robin aggred

Tho I'm not sure how we are going to be ending the war she thought to herself

"So ShadowSeeker do you have any ideas to stop the FeatherStream war" she asked him

" should I?" ShadowSeeker asked

"No I was just wondering" the Rosewing answered

"Oh okay" ShadowSeeker replied

The group glided down and landed down on the outskirts of the market island and began looking for Windrider

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