chapter 14

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He paced back and forth in the cell he was kept in.

He needed to get back to his tribe they needed him.

He didn't want to throw the struggle of leadership over his brothers shoulders.

It just would be too early to have King Swoop if having him at all.

Just let me get out so I can get back to my tribe and take back my leadership so Swoop doesn't have to.

He just overall wanted his brother to have a good life with his the dragon he was clearly into without the struggles of piling the leadership of an tribe on top.

He huffed the metal bands that the Tidestream's had forced onto the imprisoned Featherscale's made them obvious while invisible.

He pulled at the band around his neck.

It didn't tighten or loosen the metal.

This thing is so annoying and I wish I could just get rid of it. He grumbled in his mind

One around the neck one on each leg and one on his tail.

The cell was pretty bland just stone walls floors and a roof with an single window and an door with an little hatch the Tidestream's could look through and an bracken and moss nest that he was pretty sure had never been changed out

He sighed and sat down in the cell.

"You alright?" Minnow asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" Crow responded.

"I just want to get back to my tribe" he added.

"I'm not sure I can relate to wanting to get home but I try with the Featherscale's who are here" Minnow responded.

"You and your sister are the two best Tidestream's I've met" he told her.

"Uh thanks now I've brought you some fish to eat" Minnow told him.

She closed the hatch to open the door to his cell to bring the food in.


A fierce blast of water struck the house they were in.

His wings were wrapped around his younger brother protecting him.

Tidestream's were attacking them and their parents told them to hide inside their home.

All they were hoping was that the Tidestream's didn't cause a cave in.

Swoop poked his small head out of under Crows wing.

"Are we going to be alright?" Swoop asked. His blind eyes shown with worry and his ears twitched listening for anything out of the ordinary.

"I don't know but I'll protect you no matter what" he answered.

His tail curled around his younger brother.

A Tidestream ran into the room they were in.

Crow leapt up standing in front of his brother.

"Your not getting at Prince Swoop" Crow growled.

He acted as though he was not a prince but was just the guardian of prince Swoop.

Crow ran forward at the Tidestream slashing his claws at the larger dragon.

The Tidestream attempted to use their tail to knock him out of the way.

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