chapter 18

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Bloom walked toward her tribes library.

Her sibling Forest ran it.

She walked into the library.

The smell of the many papers filled her nose.

"Hi Bloom!" Forest greeted her happily.

"Hey Forest how are you?" Bloom asked.

"I'm doing great" they answered.

"That's good!".

"You want to see what new books I've got for the library?" They asked.

"Sure! I'd love to" Bloom accepted.

Then Forest brought out a rather large stack of books and plopped the stack of books onto one of the tables in the library.

Her sibling was deep green Rosewing with mint green underbelly with brown eyes and blue flowers on her head and wings.

"That's...that's quite a lot of books" Bloom commented.

And Forest walked back and grabbed some scrolls.

Bloom's eyes widened.

"There's more?!" Bloom asked.

Forest grinned "Yep".

She grabbed the book on the top of the stack. "I think that talks about Queens Lily and Glory" Forest commented.

"Wasn't it like that they were mate's?" Bloom asked her sibling. "Yeah they were" Forest agreed.

They took the book and opened it. "It also says that Lily and Glory were the queens to bring the tribe to Palera And they also grew the Evertree!" Forest told her of the great things their past Queens had done.

Her sibling really seemed to enjoy to talk about the stories that they had in the library.

"So what ever happened to Queen Lily and Queen Glory?" Bloom questioned.

"I don't really know nothing in here has anything about what happened to the two of them" they answered.

"Well what if they went to a..." she paused and smirked "a flower field like that was filled with lilies and morning glorys and they went there and hid" she asked her sibling.

It took them a moment to realize what Bloom was doing.

They burst into a fit of laughter "Oh that is an hilarious idea" Forest commented.

Bloom rolled her eyes "Forest it was genuine question" Bloom stated.

Forest froze "wait it was?" They asked. She snickered "No I wasn't serious I was just seeing if I could get you" Bloom responded.

Forest rolled their eyes "Of course you did".

"Wait who was the Ruler when the Winterhorn's came to Palera?" She asked.

"King Creepvine introduced himself to king Slush with their enchanter I think her name was Shine or something" they told her "though I'm not completely sure I don't have much on Winterhorn history" Forest stated.

"Let me guess you'd like to know more about the history of the tribes of the islands of Palera?" Bloom questioned.

"Yep it'd be awesome to know more" Forest replied.

"Maybe at somepoint we can see if we can get some of the history from the other tribes" Bloom suggested.

"At somepoint I do want to figure out if I can get a hold of a Winterhorn to see if I could get some of their spare history books and scrolls" Forest stated.

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