chapter 2: Well this didnt go as planned

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Chapter 2: Narrators POV
"Yes, this sounds great" Pierson smiled, "ok, good" Brent stated relieved. Everyone went on filming like a normal day. At the end nobody wanted to do anything. "How about we order in shake shack?" Brent asked the squad. "YES" everyone immediately exclaimed, most people assumed he chose that because it's Piersons favourite place but they didn't mind because the food is awesome.

Shake shack was ordered and everyone ate it. "Dude" Dom said to Brent "We know you ordered this because Pierson loves it. Do you have something to tell us?" Everyone looked at Dom in shock and then Brent in question. "Uhhhh.... No, of course not. I just love shake shack" Brent states with hesitation. Pierson knew something was up but was hoping it was good. "Let's watch a movie!" Jeremy suggests to get rid of the awkwardness. Everyone agrees and goes to sit on the couches. Brent sits alone and Pierson thinking he is going to make a move, sits next to him and cuddles up. Everyone starts staring, but they aren't looking at Pierson, they are looking at Brent...and he is blushing. Hard.

Pierson looks up when she feels a shift in body weight. Brent suddenly stands up and walks away flustered. "Brent! Wait! Common, let's talk!" Pierson yells after him. "Oh no, lover's quarrel" Lexi Rivera states trying to humour everyone. They look at her, like this is not the time. "I mean... I agree with Lexi. What did he expect? Pierson obviously also likes him and will continue with the flirting. And we are all going to look at it too." Ben exclaims, siding with Lexi. Lexi R. smiles.

Away from the group....

"Brent!!" Pierson yells as Brent stomps up the stairs. "What?!" Brent yells back rudely, "dude what the heck?" Pierson responds back while chasing Brent into his bedroom. "Why did you have to do that?!" Brent yells frustrated, "do you mean the cuddling? We do that anyways and plus it seemed like you were making a move, so I wanted to flirt back!" Pierson calmly responds "you know I like you too" she sadly states. "....." Brent pauses before he saids anything. "What?" Pierson asks "umm, I.. never mind" Brent quickly saids before heading downstairs. "Hey, we're not done!" Pierson responds back as she follows him.

"Ok ignore everything I just did everyone it was pointless." Brent states to the entire group, including Pierson "let's just continue watching the movie" Pierson saids quickly before sitting beside Lexi Hensler. Both Lexis look at her but don't say anything, but from the look on Piersons face, it was obvious. Something was wrong and it was Brent's fault. After the movie, both Lexis dragged Pierson upstairs to where they were sleeping, hoping to get some information. "So what happened?" Lexi R. asked curiously, "we'll, I'm not sure, he was going to say something, then stopped" Pierson said as she started to tear up. "He was frustrated that I cuddled with him and when I said again that I liked him too, he seemed happy but sad." The Lexis looked sympathetic but also pissed at Brent, both of them knew he had been playing with her feelings for 2 years now, Brent liked her but could never fully admit it. "I kind of assumed he was making a move too, you should've seen him before you two came. Let's just say it was a hot reck" Lexi Rivera said to Pierson specifically but also to Lexi H.

"Knock, knock, knock"
"Girls, we are going to bed and we think Pierson should get some sleep also." Ben said with noise coming from around him, it was probably a few of the guys. "You guys can open the door" Lexi Hensler said, the boys walk in looking sympathetic but also tired. "Goodnight, Pierson" the Lexis say as Pierson walks out of the room. All the guys go to their spots and Pierson walks up to the closed master bedroom door. Nobody had thought about this. It sounded like Brent was inside. Pierson didn't want to bother anyone this late and pushed open the door.

Brent didn't even look up, he looked sad from the part of his face Pierson could see. She just walked to her stuff she dropped off earlier and grabbed some pjs. Then walked into the bathroom to get ready. By the time she was done and out of the bathroom, Brent was laying on his side of the bed, eyes open, staring at the wall. Pierson stepped into bed and covered herself with the sheets, accidentally bumping Brent's foot. "Oops, sorry" Pierson said with a force of habit. "It's ok" Brent quietly said. Pierson layed down, both backs faced each other. On opposite sides were both sad faces "this was not how the night was supposed to go" Brent thought to himself. "Don't go to bed angry" Pierson remembered, but before she said anything "Pierson, I'm sorry, I really am. This night was supposed to be different. Please forgive me again" Brent said as he turned around facing Piersons back. "Brent, I can't do this tonight. I don't always want to keep forgiving you, but I just won't give up on you. But it's hurting me, you need to decide what you want." Pierson said staying in her place. Brent reached out, hovered for a second and then gently placed his hand on Piersons shoulder and gently pushed it down. Pierson didn't pull back and gently fell onto her back, and looked at Brent. Silence. They just gazed into each others eyes.

And eventually both of them fell asleep, with their faces facing each other and Brent's hand still laying on Piersons shoulder. But just the fingers. It was almost peaceful. Their dreams even though they didn't know it, we're almost exactly the same. Dreaming of the day they we're together and happy.

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