Chapter 17: Icecream at midnight

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"...Well..we are are talking right now" Pierson responds staring at the ocean not even attempting to look at Lexi R. "You are?! ...Have you guys kissed??" Lexi R asks excitedly shaking Pierson, Pierson looks over "um yea, yes we have". Lexi literally gets up from her seats and jumps a few times before tackling Pierson into a hug. "I just knew you guys were meant for eachother!! I just hope my brother doesnt screw it up AGAIN" Lexi sighs. "Yeah.. me too. But I think we have a shot. I hope we do. I really really like him Lexi" Pierson saids looking down at a text Brent just sent. "Hey Pier, I was wondering if you were free, if you wanted to go out after dinner tonight...with me?"

"Hello?? Earth to Pierson??" Lexi asks waving her hand in Piersons face finally catching her attention. "What are you smirking at??" Lexi asks and laughs attempting to grab Pierson phone. "UHHH nothing, nothing at all - I say we get ready and have an early dinner" Pierson tries to casually mention but she realizes she failed when Lexi looks at her incredibly suspicious "why an early dinner? Late night plans Pierson? Possibly with my brother? Lexi pushes. "Maybe, maybe not" Pierson states matter-of-factly as she stands up and picks up her lipgloss, "anyways lets get ready regardless" Pierson saids continually trying to distract Lexi. "Hmm okay sure sure" Lexi reluctantly agrees and gets up aswell.

They find the group "so where were you??" Jeremy asks Pierson suspicious, "Just walking around.. why?" Pierson casually answers "Hmm, no reason" Jeremy responds not sure how to go forward with his questions. "We are all getting ready to go to an early dinner because its always good to have a rest day" Lexi responds trying to encourage the group to go along with the early dinner no questions asked. They all agree sort of confused but not complaining about extra sleep.

All of them meet up at the centre of the villa and plan to go to a fancy sushi restaurant down the road. They pile into three rental cars - Pierson, Lexi R and Brent in one, Lexi H, Ben and Jeremy in the other and everyone else in the last car.

"Soooo Brent, any plans for the rest of the night after dinner?" Lexi R suddenly brings up in the backseat (she nicely willingly did not fight for shotgun in order to push along the possible couple). "Huh?" Brent asks confused, he looks back for a second at Lexi at a red light and she smirks and looks at Pierson. It clicks to Brent "you told her!?" Brent asks Pierson shocked "nO she found out and was there when you asked me out and i mightve looked a bit too happy so Lexi asked and figured it out" Pierson explains herself as Lexi watches intensely. "Yea Lexi, we are going on a date okay. But please dont tell ANYONE. You need to swear you wont" Brent states seriously "I promise jeez" Lexi responds dramatically. Brent and Pierson look at eachother at the same time and smile, then Pierson looks behind her at Lexi and Lexi is smiling so big it almost looks painful.

They all arrive at the restaurant. Pierson and Brent sit beside eachother and were talking and laughing most of the night while everyone else looked at them once and while, happy that they were on good terms but curious on how good of terms they were. The evening went smoothly and nice, no one made comments about Pierson and Brent - even when Lexi said she would ride with Lexi H.

Brent and Pierson walked to their car after saying goodbye to everyone else claiming they would be back a tad late to possibly pick up something that Pierson saw earlier that day. "Hey" Brent said to Pierson smiling after they got settled into the car."Hey" Pierson saids smiling at him, "I missed this" Brent responds as he puts on his seat belt; "me too" she responds.

The two sit there for a second, silent, but happy just taking in the moment. When Brent gets on the highway he slowly slides his hand onto Piersons thigh where her hand is and grabs it gently to hold it. She looks down, looks at Brent and then looks back and holds his hand. As they drive he gently caresses her hand with his thumb.
Pierson cant help but stare with awe at Brent, 'we finally found peace' she thought to herself.

"Okay so my plan was to get ice cream at this place i saw a few days ago and then drive to a beach or something like that and hang out" Brent saids as he slows down at a red light and looks at Pierson "or make out you mean" Pierson responds laughing "that'd work to" Brent giggles as he plants a kiss on her cheek; "Now you're a tease" Pierson saids laughing and squeezing Brents hand. She never wants to let go - and neither does he.

They grab ice cream, chocolate and cookie dough. Then share it between them because they cant help but steal eachothers ice cream. Pierson suggests a black sand beach only a few minutes away - its less known and is really pretty. The sun was about to set so they parked and decided to sit on the beach to watch the sun. Brent grabs a blanket and something else he had been hiding. Pierson see's him grab it but assumes its just his keys or something.

The two find a nice spot to sit and they cuddle up on a blanket eating their icecream. They watch the sunset and take some cute photos that Pierson knows she will definitely be showing Lexi R later. The two talk for a few hours on the beach not even realizing how long it'd been even though they were sitting in almost pitch black. Any icecream that once was solid was now melted and Pierson still had a little bit of her waffle cone left.

She went to go eat it but it cracked and fell all over her and as soon as that happened she broke into a fit of laughter causing Brent to laugh too. Once they slowly come back to reality (and sanity) they pause at eachothers gaze. Taking the time to really see the other, this obviously causes Pierson to basically tackle Brent to the ground. They pause and then kiss. As they emerge from kissing Brent pauses - "Hey Pierson" he saids 'uh oh' she thinks to herself 'this is going to be bad'.

"I got this for you... as almost a promise? We have had our major up's and down's and I just want to prove to you that we can work and stay consistent. And that.. I love you" Brent spits out; clearly extremely nervous. "I love you too.. and thank you Brent" Pierson responds calm and composed giving Brent a big hug again and giving him a gentle peck on the lips. Brent takes out the box he hid and hands it to her. Pierson opens it up and blushes. "Its so pretty.. I love it. Thank you so much" Pierson saids smiling as she puts on the bracelet Brent got her. "I saw it and just knew you would love it... or I hoped atleast" Brent responds beaming. The two cuddle for a bit longer before Pierson gets a text 'where are you??? and brent...????' "Lexi H texted me, we are busted" Pierson announces.

The two clean up their stuff and head up to the car. Pierson responds with a quick 'lost track of time, dont tell anyone, ill fill you in" text to Lexi H, hoping that the fact of her and Brent missing for hours hadn't spread.

Brent pulls up to the parking lot and parks - the two just sit there for a second before moving. They know this might be the last time before EVERYONE knows. They glance at each other and give a mutual comforting smile even though inside - both were a reck.

They grab their stuff from the back and Brent reaches for Pierson's hand to hold. She obliges and they walk to the front entrance. Lexi H had texted her to come to their room, so thats where Pierson attempts to head. But before that Brent pulls her back and they give each other a short but sweet smile before he pulls her in for a kiss "we should do that as often as possible" Brent saids as he pulls away "definitely" Pierson agrees. They hold hands for as long as they can before pulling away - they look like lost ducks without the other.

Pierson reluctantly unlocks her bedroom door to see a serious (and tired) Lexi H sitting on her bed staring at her with an intense look. As Pierson walks in more she realizes there is one more person. "Oh? Hey?" Pierson saids to the guest in their bedroom. "Hey".... responds....

who do you guys think is in the room ?? Comment below if you want! It might be obvious Im not sure!

I hope you guys like the chapter - its a bit longer to make up for long lost time. I swear ill update more.

Everytime you guys comment it reminds me and I write a bit until I finish haha.

4.35k PEOPLE HAVE READ THIS. which is crazy????? Thank you all so much!! Maybe ill keep running this story longer then I thought as its going well. But i sorta wanna start a new one (not on Brierson sadly)

Also can you guys fill me in on Pierson and Brent cause it seems like they arent even close to dating anymore???

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